Social Media Parties

Parties With Prizes 

X (Formerly Twitter), Facebook Live, Instagram Events with Prizes

The most comprehensive free listing online -- now including X (formerly Twitter) Party, Facebook Live and Instagram virtual events -- is updated continuously. Not only can you see the current week's schedule of virtual events to win family-friendly prizes, you'll also get a sneak peek at X parties and giveaway events on other social media coming up in the weeks ahead.

Master Social Media Parties With Prizes

Your Source for Upcoming Social Media Parties

Here's how to find parties on X, Facebook Live, and Instagram offering great prizes. Get all the details on this Master Party Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including links to RSVP and participate. Unless indicated otherwise, only US residents are eligible to win on online events listed here. X and other social media parties for Canada residents are highlighted in pink. 

Remember: Bookmark this page now and check this listing often, since new parties are announced continuously as soon as new information is available.


Wednesday, March 5

Financial Spring Cleaning Tips Tax Prep Season X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat RSVP

Friday, March 7

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP


Wednesday, March 12

AI and Your Money X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat RSVP
Friday, March 14

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP


Wednesday, March 19

Retirement Planning for Women X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat RSVP

Friday, March 21

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP

Wednesday, March 26

Strategies for Getting the Most from Tax Refunds X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat Details TBA

Friday, March 28

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP

Wednesday, April 2

Financial Literacy X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat Details TBA

Friday, April 4

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP

Wednesday, April 9

America Saves Week X Party with @experian at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Win a $50 Amazon gift card. #CreditChat Details TBA

Friday, April 11

See's Candy Conversation X Party with @seescandies at 2 pm ET. Prizes: TWO (2) winners, prizes TBA. #seescandy #candyconversation No RSVP

About Master Social Media Party List

Compiled by, this free service for consumers offers the most comprehensive, constantly updated social party with prizes resource of its kind online. No other blog or Internet source publishes everything in one place including details on who to follow, prizes to win, hashtags and RSVP links. 

Party attendees should keep in mind that each event is run by a different brand and/or hosts. MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings participants have with these virtual events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar.

Twitter Party How To Host

For Brands

How to Add a Social Media Party
to the Mommy Blog Expert Calendar

X Parties, Facebook Live, and Instagram events are listed free of charge to list in the MBE Master Party Calendar. If you'd like to add an event to the schedule, simply email janis at with Social Party Calendar in the subject line including all the details and links in the body of your message.

Hire MBE to Plan/Promote/Host
Your Social Media Party

Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand's X, Facebook Live, or Instagram online event. In addition, MommyBlogExpert also offers the full range of services to plan, promote and execute brand social media parties. To inquire, please email janis at for information with Consulting Query in the subject line.

FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some X, Facebook Live, Instagram and Pinterest parties as a Guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on some. I am not receiving compensation for any events on the current calendar. In addition to Twitter Parties, MBE is available to co-host and plan parties on Facebook Live, and Instagram. I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this particular post.

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