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Friday, May 20, 2016

What Depression Feels Like Videos Bring Mental Health Awareness Month to Forefront


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Major depression affects us all. Chances are you know someone personally who is depressed, since approximately 14.8 million American adults (6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older) are suffering with the disorder, according to the Archives of General Psychiatry. To bring awareness to this epidemic problem during May which is Mental Health Awareness Month, SoulPancake produced these two videos intended to inspire and inform us all about what mental health feels like. Watch them both and then leave a comment sharing your reaction and you could win a $25 VISA giftcard. 


The first video Illuminate A Rocket Ship to the Moon, touched me deeply as a mother. This is a beautifully shot and scripted story of a boy who struggles to deal with his mom's depression, and eventually leading him to building her a rocket ship to take her away from her pain. The second video from SoSonia, called Happiest Girl in the World, is a powerful view of how sometimes the view we show to the world is completely different from what we are actually feeling deep inside. Bottom line: It's time to talk about and bring awareness to mental illness.


For a Chance to WIN a $25 VISA Giftcard

For a chance to win a $25 VISA gift card, watch both videos and then leave a comment below this MBE post sharing your reaction. Be sure to include your email address or social media handle so we can contact you if you are the winner. Though not required for contest entry, we encourage you to share this post with both videos with your own friends and followings. Contest ends May 31, 2016 at midnight PST.

About SoulPancake

SoulPancake is an innovative media company that creates videos designed to inspire, uplift and engage you with your humanity in real raw, but entertaining ways. Their motto is "We Make Stuff that Matters."

FTC Disclosure: Mommy Blog Expert is receiving compensation for sharing this message and hosting the contest. This blogpost is not a substitute for mental/medical advice by a qualified professional. SoulPancake is providing the prize for the giveaway and is responsible for delivering the giftcard to the winner. However opinions here are our own. See complete FTC Disclosure that appears at the bottom of MBE's home page and at the bottom of every individual post including this one.


  1. My kids have had to suffer from my longterm depression. I can't take antidepressants because they make me suicidal. We've learned to use gallows humor to get us through the really hard times.

  2. Wow! Those were beautiful. Wish something like this was around when I was growing up. I was ignorant and miserable for so long. I'm finally working out the right meds for me though!


  3. These videos are so important. Depression is a vicious beast. People hide from it. They hide it from the world. And eventually, it can devour them.

  4. Absolutely love the concepts of these videos. When I was going through a depression it was a really hard concept to explain to people - love that there is awareness being communicated to a larger audience with the help of social media!

  5. Those videos, wow! This is something we all need to talk about more often. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. I'm pretty sure that I had suffered from some form of depression when I was younger. I never went to the doctor or anything, but I'm sure I was depressed. Some days I feel like I may be depressed right now..I'm glad they have ways to help others out though.

  7. Wow, this is awesome! Wish more people knew about this as I'm sure it could benefit so many people. - Sarah, Must Have Mom

  8. Can't stop the tears, the memories and the fears while watching. Living with this daily as my girls suffer from this. It's time to #StopTheStigma and BB applauds this campaign wholeheartedly.

  9. wow girl. thank you so much for sharing this. so beautiful and enlightening.

  10. So powerful! My daughter suffers from depression. It hard for me to watch her struggle

  11. I think that the use of these videos is great for raising awareness about depression and also de-stigmatizing it.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  12. Depression is so common yet people do not talk about it. We need to raise awareness about mental health issues. People need to know the signs of depression so they can help loved ones.

  13. The first video is such a touching story. It is so hard for kids to understand depression.

  14. Both videos were well done.
    I could relate most with the 2nd one as I have anxiety and depression.
    It's a lot of energy to work with!
    thank you

    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  15. The little boy's face when he saw his mom crying made me sob! If you need help, please get it. If you know someone that needs help, help them get it. Life is too short. Find the way/tools to help you live happy...without faking it. @pedremia on twitter

  16. I wish depression was talked about more, it is a very scary thing to experience whether with someone you really care about, or yourself. Thanks for sharing these great concept in each video.

  17. I love these videos, they are not only informative but also helpful.

  18. There are so many people suffering in silence. it makes me sad to think about that.

  19. My daughter also struggles with depression, it is hard to see her like this but she is working through it. Thank you for making people more aware of this through Mental Health Awareness Month.

  20. I think these are so important. People are so embarrassed of their depression. They hide it, and that can too often turn into not getting treatment.

  21. wow, those videos hit it head on. My mom was bipolar and had many bouts with depression. It really took a toll on her and on all of us around her

  22. I know there is a lot of people that suffer from this. The more we are able to stand by them the better they will be.

  23. Depression is no joke. Although I have not personally struggled, I have a friend who does.

  24. I have struggled with depression for most of my adult life. I know how it feels. Thank goodness someone is shedding a light on the subject.

  25. It makes me sad to see how many go through depression. I'm pretty sure I did at some point throughout high school. It's such a struggle too. These videos are both so good too.

  26. I actually suffer with depression and I'm on medication for it. One day I'm all good and the next I'm doing horrible. I wish that they would bring more awareness to the issue and share more of what can happen to someone suffering.

  27. This is such an important thing for many to understand, glad there are videos to help educate others seriously! It's about time.

  28. Depression is so so hard! For the person going through it, and for those they love. It's something I'm constantly thinking of in the back of my mind.

  29. It is so important to bring attention to this an educate others. Thank you for sharing these touching videos.

  30. Love how these videos are helping to educate others!! Depression can be so hard to live with and try to explain to others.

  31. I know people who struggle with depression. It's not fun.

  32. I am glad that there is more help for those suffering depression! So much of the time it goes untreated, or not talked about, since it is not an illness that can be outwardly seen. Very inspirational!

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  33. Depression is a really serious thing, thanks for posting things like this. I am going to share this information, very helpful.

  34. It's so hard for people to understand something like mental illness and depression. While these videos help people to better understand, we definitely have an issue with society's view of depression and how to handle it.

  35. I struggle with depression from time to time and for a long time I did not know what it is, but now I do and find that sometimes, I just need to let myself have a day of nothing in order to get past it. Great videos to bring awareness to such an important topic.

  36. I like that people are paying more attention to depression, how to cure it and how to live with it.

  37. @stillblondeaaty (on twitter) my reaction to the videos is that it's about time we pushed this issue to the forefront and the focus can never let up.

  38. My sister actually has clinical depression and bi-polar. She tried to kill herself twice already which was terrible!

  39. Definitely hit home watching these videos. I've seen so many people go through depression

    julimi at aol dot com

  40. These videos send a powerful message. It hurts to watch because I've known people close to me that have suffered from depression.

  41. Oh wow…that first video was so touching. I teared up. The second video was very telling…there are so many people that wear masks to hide their sadness. Email: cuse_softie(at)

  42. Both videos were very touching. Gives us an inside in the minds and life of mental illness. The first one with the mother was thought provoking and so awesome that her son consciously tries to make her happy

  43. As someone who suffers from depression these are great

  44. These are some powerful videos. We have lost so many young people that seem like they have everything going for them only to commit suicide. We have to do better.

  45. both are definitely very moving

  46. #MHAW16 I hope we all remember depression can be treated and you are not alone.

  47. My daughter is 19 & suffers from Depression, ADD, & a compulsive disorder. When I come home from work all of the shades are down & she is in her room. I tried to talk to her about it, but she shuts down. I sometimes feel helpless. She has spoken with several professionals & it helps for awhile, but ultimately things go back to the way they were. The Happiest Girl in the World video really she'd some light on what she's going through. Thank you.

  48. CONGRATS Shelley @stillblondeaaty WINNER of the $25 VISA giftcard Giveaway!
