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Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Angry Birds Movie Sneak Peek Interviews with Producer and Cast


By Norma Perez, Mom Blogger


There's nothing like great entertainment to make the memory of fighting almost two hours of traffic on an LA freeway just melt away. True story. That's exactly what happened to me last week when I came to cover a special sneak "beak" for the press of upcoming The Angry Birds Movie from Columbia Pictures and Rovio Animation on the Sony Pictures Studios lot in Culver City, California. The long-awaited animated feature film that has been building so much buzz lately is set to be released in theaters nationwide this May. 

Norma Perez,
Now comes the spoiler (not really the spoiler, but keep reading to see what I mean). After seeing select scenes handpicked by the directors for us to view, I have to tell you every minute of the drive there was more than worth it. Once I passed through the studio gates, as the event went on, everyone was in an incredibly upbeat mood and my heavy traffic stress simply banished. How could it not?

Image by Sony Pictures Entertainment
During this gathering our small group of invited media not only was treated to some hilarious movie clips that the public hasn't seen yet. We also got to learn and enjoy so much more about the worldwide mystique of  Angry Birds.
Image by Sony Pictures Entertainment
The screening was followed by a fun and interesting Q&A panel discussion with the producer and the film's main character voice over actors who answered everyone's questions in an amusing way while adding their personal reflections about making this picture. In fact, I was floored to hear the mobile game that launched this great phenomena back in December 2009 has been downloaded more than 3 billion times and counting.

On May 20, 2016 movie goers will experience first-hand exactly how the Angry Birds got their name. According to the producer John Cohen this now-classic game was a great starting point for the movie the film makers set out to make. At the heart of the game is a story of angry birds who have their eggs -- their future children -- stolen by these little green piglets which have invaded Angry Bird's Island.

The Angry Birds Movie Cast & Crew, Norma Perez,
The action explodes when RED (voiced by Jason Sudekis), a bird with a temper problem, SPEEDY CHUCK  (Josh Gad of Olaf of Frozen fame), and volatile BOMB (Danny McBride) and friends appoint themselves to figure out what the piggies are up to and also to devise a plan to rescue the eggs that represent the birds' entire island civilization and future.

From what I have seen and heard so far -- from the top-notch animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks to all the incredible people mentioned above as well as from Bill Hader who plays LEONARD who was also on hand -- this is a movie that is going to surprise audiences when they see it, especially adults.

Learn More About The Angry Birds Movie

Visit the official movie site as well as follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Norma Perez,
FTC Disclosure: As a guest of Sony Pictures Entertainment, MBE blogger Norma Perez was invited to cover this event which included breakfast, the screening and Q&A session. No compensation was received in association with this post and opinions here are Norma's alone. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.

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