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Friday, November 13, 2015

Love the Coopers Movie Review - Setting Aside Family Baggage for the Holidays


Love the Coopers $1,000 Contest, details below

Love The Coopers from CBS Films, a new comedy opening in theaters nationwide today, is the perfect movie to see together as a family to get into the holiday mood as it appeals to kids, parents and grandparents alike. The story revolves around all the family drama as four generations of the Cooper clan gather for their annual Christmas Eve celebration. Things aren't as wonderful as they seem: Welcome to the dysfunctional family life so many of us can relate to.

After an opening montage of holiday scenes to get the audience into the spirit of the season, the story begins to unfold as we are introduced to a patchwork of characters. Some we meet for the first time as a couple like family matriarch and patriarch Charlotte and Sam, played by Keaton and Goodman. Other colorful, seemingly random characters are introduced as individual kids and adults start popping up in the storyline. Almost all the way to closing credits, the audience is left trying to figure out who is related to whom and why they are all behaving the way they are.

Rated PG-13, the film stars big names grownups will recognize like Alan Arkin, Diane Keaton, John Goodman, Marisa Tomei and others, while the great Steve Martin narrates. Meanwhile the younger set will recognize young actors like Amanda Seyfried (Pan, Red Riding Hood), Olivia Wilde (House M.D.), Molly Gordon (The Animal Kingdom), and Timothee Chalamet (Interstellar). 

Rags Sculpture by The Magic Sleigh,
Rounding out the cast is the charming and very mischievious family pet dog Rags, played by Bolt. This talented canine thespian is an Austrailian Shepherd and Saint Bernard mix born in Osaka, Japan who has been acting since he was 12 weeks old. His impressive doggy resume credits include the Volkswagen 2012 Superbowl commercial, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3, SuperBuddies, Night at the Museum 3 (playing a tiger) and others.

Here's a sneak peak at the holiday hilarity...

As Christmas Eve day and evening unfold, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events will have you laughing and waiting for the next scene. Then things get really crazy, which ironically leads the Coopers to the unexpected rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday. The lesson learned: You can't regift family. I can almost guarantee you that you won't discover who the story's real protagonist is until the end of the movie. But when you do figure it out, it will make you smile.

Love the Coopers
Directed by: Jessie Nelson
Written by: Steven Rogers
Produced by: Michael London, Jessie Nelson, Janice Williams
Cast: Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Ed Helms, Diane Keaton, Jake Lacy, Anthony Mackie, Amanda Seyfried, June Squibb, Marisa Tomei & Olivia Wilde

Follow the Love the Coopers fun on Facebook, Twitter and the official site.

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for chance to Win $1,000
FTC Disclosure: Except where indicated otherwise, CBS Films and Love the Coopers provided all images that appear in this post. MommyBlogExpert was invited to a media screening at of this movie at The Grove in Los Angeles prior to release to facilitate this review. I also received refreshments and an assortment of movie promotional items at the screening event. However, no payment was received in connection with this post and opinions here are my own. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's home page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. This movie looks hysterical. I can't wait to see it.

  2. I can't wait to see this one! I bet this one will be come a christmas tradition in the house on movie night.

  3. I have been seeing the trailer for this and it cracks me up every time. I'm really looking forward to seeing this when it comes out!

  4. I'm excited for this movie. It looks like it's going to be very funny. I love all the actors/actresses in the movie as well. I can't wait to see it.

  5. This movie looks like so funny!! I love when new holiday movies come out.

  6. Looks like a great movie. Just in time for Christmas.

  7. This looks like a fun movie. Thanks for the suggestion!

  8. This looks like a super funny movie that I must watch! I love holiday films.

  9. I can't wait to see this movie! I am a total sucker for holiday movies so this was instantly on my "list" for this year. :)

  10. I am looking forward to seeing this movie. I love Keaton and Goodman. Such a great cast.

  11. Diane Keaton is always one of my favorites. I love her and this trailer!

  12. Wow, what a generous giveaway!! I would love to win $1k for holiday shopping!!
