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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Morris the Cat Humor Series Continues With Another Advice Column for Cat Lovers


Guest Post

#3 Post in a Series

by Morris the Cat
Live Well & Prospurr
9Lives Brand Ambassador

WIN a 9Lives Cat Giftbasket

Editor's Note:
Continuing a fun series following Morris Guest Post #1 and Morris Guest Post #2, world famous Morris the Cat is back with another advice column for you and your cat. For more fun animal related stuff cat lovers enter the MBE 9Lives Cat Giftbasket Giveaway as well as check out the Top 8 Free Cat Apps and all the funny animal videos I've been posting on MBE's Facebook page lately. Also learn how you can participate in the ASPCA cat food drive Morris and 9Lives are running via their Live Well & Prospurr program.

Dear Morris,

I've always considered myself a "cat's cat." I'm a champion napper, an expert invisible bug chaser, and my hairballs? I can cough one so big you could use it as a toupee. That's why I'm so distressed by what I'm about to tell you. I've never once caught that feather that dangles on the end of a stick. I see it, I lunge for it, and just when I think it's within paw's reach, it darts away again. It frankly has me questioning my cathood. What should I do?


Purr-plexed and Paw-ndering
Dear Purr-plexed and Paw-ndering,
It's not your fault you haven't caught the feather. What I'm about to say may come as a shock... there is a human on the other end of that feather, manipulating it like a marionette. It's a conspiracy of gigantic proportions. You've never caught the feather because your human has never let you. If any of you humans out there are reading, please let your four-legged friends 'win' some of the time. It's great to have a competitive streak playing a board game or the ball court, but let us felines experience the sweet taste of victory (it actually tastes a lot like 9Lives). Besides, cathing the feather, ball, or string will get your cat one step closer to their ultimate goal: world domination.

Yours truly,

Morris the Cat

Tweet + Morris Donates Cat Food to the ASPCA 

For more Morris tips visit the official Prospurr 9 Lives site. You can also stay in the loop by following the socially responsible yet hilarious cat world of 9 Lives on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
FTC Disclosure: I am a lifelong animal lover aiming to entertain readers as well as to help spread Morris' serious message to help cats in animal shelters. Except where noted otherwise, 9Lives provided the inspiration, content and images for the post. I have also added some of my own commentary. I received a package of 9Lives cat food to facilitate this MBE Morris the Cat guest post series and the associated Morris 9Lives Cat Giftbasket Giveaway as well as to spread the word about the #MorrisFeeds Twitter campaign. I am not receiving any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. That silly Morris. He is just too much! I love his posts.

  2. I get such a kick out of these. Thanks for sharing them and this great giveaway.

  3. I haven't tried 9 Lives with my cats yet. I'm definitely willing to give it a try to see if they like it or not. Cats are such great pets! I have two of them and they're so different from each other and they're even brothers.

  4. Awww, I am the biggest cat person ever. And this must made my day. I will definitely let my cats win from time to time.

  5. OK, these get funnier as the series goes on. A hairball toupee? Hilarious!

  6. What a cute post! LOL I always loved Morris I miss him in commercials. This is a cute way to bring him back. This post made me laugh!

  7. Haha, we always let Truffles catch the feather, just to help reconfirm her 'cathood.' Of course, she quickly loses interest when it's not a challenge anymore!

  8. Cute! Lol really gave me a chuckle to read that. There is a reason 9 lives has been around for so long!

  9. I love these Morris the Cat sessions. They are hilarious, but we can't let our cats reach world domination.

  10. These are such cute stories!! I remember we feed our cat 9 Lives in high school!

  11. Ha! I am loving this series of Morris the Cat humor! Great giveawaay for cat owners, too. Thanks!

  12. Ha, ha, ha... never caught the feather. How funny. I love it. This is such a great column.

  13. I have been enjoying the cat advice series. I look forward to the next one.

  14. I love this series. Our cat has always adored any food made from 9 Lives.

  15. I am enjoying your time with Morris and think I have read each one. Love that I can tweet and help out kitties too.

  16. So funny. Morris is a smartie cat and offers great advice.

  17. What a cutie! Pets really are part of the family!

  18. Some cats just have great advice on how to take care of other cats!

  19. I love these post! I have heard great things from my friends that use 9 Lives cat food!

  20. I love the Morris posts. He is such a funny cat! ha!

  21. This is so fun to read these little letters. On the feather one, I agree with letting the cat win sometimes!

  22. Another great giveaway! Morris is just too cute.

  23. Morris is adorable! What a great giveaway for my cat owner friends.

  24. I always loved Morris the cat, he was so cute. I will have to check out the giveaway.
