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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Moms React to US Rep Ryan Family Stance As Condition to Running for House Speaker


It's about time very public working Dads like US Representative Paul Ryan (father of 3 kids ranging in age from 10-13) are taking a stand proclaiming that family comes first before work. In fact, he has publicly stated that time with family is a pre-condition of running for House Speaker.

Photo from
In this CNN story on work life balance and the gender gap by Kelly Wallace you'll read all about Ryan's pro-family stance as well as see quotes from moms reacting to his position including family lifestyle experts Janis Brett Elspas of MommyBlogExpert, Jennifer Owens, Working Mother Media, Lela Davidson, author of Faking Balance: Adventures in Work and Life and others.

FTC Disclosure: I was interviewed for and quoted in the CNN story. No payment or other compensation was exchanged in connection with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's home page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. Family should always come first no matter what the job. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm with Stacie, family should ALWAYS come first. No matter what I've always been a firm believer of this! - Jeanine

  3. Family is our guide and motivation to move forward, no matter what your job is, you need to render time to them.

  4. Family should always be first. Our family is always first in my book, Before I do anything I see what as a family we can do together. Wee take vacations together and I don't let him play a whole lot of games when we are out. I rather talk and make sure we don't loose that connection.

  5. I'm glad to hear that dads are being open about their desire to spend time with their children. However, Ryan is a bit of a hypocrite as he's voted family paid leave and family services bills numerous times. It would be wonderful if he voted to help support working parents so they could spend time with their newborns and sick kids.

  6. Congrats on the CNN story!! I agree family should come first but it seems to get lost in a lot places and politics.

  7. This is great! Family should always come before work. My kids are always first no matter what! They'll always be first too.

  8. Family first. Whatever your job is and no matter how busy you are, family should always come first.

  9. This is refreshing, which is kind of a sad statement. This should always be the case, rather than a newsworthy stance, ya know? Regardless, kudos to him. I'm glad he came out and said it publicly. Makes me respect him more!

  10. It can be so hard balancing work and home. I work from home and find it hard to turn work off. I have started setting a time that i shut off all my devices for the night.

  11. Family is always very important! A job should never come before family! But it can be difficult to find the perfect balance between the two.

  12. I agree. Family should always come first. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love how family centered this man is. I am so glad someone is standing up for what is right in the workforce.

  14. Family always has to come first! It's more important than any job!

  15. Family should always come first in my opinion! It is above everything.
