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Monday, September 28, 2015

4 Must Have Moms Apps Every Parent Raising Kids in the Digital Age Can't Live Without


This is a sponsored post

by Janis Brett Elspas, Editor

Today's moms are so lucky to be living in the smartphone digital age with access to all the indespensible apps at your finger tips such as the MomCo app to make your job of mothering and raising kids so much easier. You see I'm a mom of four kids -- triplets plus big brother all born within a year in the late 1990s who just went off to college -- and when my kids were little the Internet was just starting up and the first  smartphone hadn't even been invented yet. Fast forward to 2015...

As I dream about how life might have been so much more streamlined with my foursome in diapers at once if I had all of today's technologies to help me parent back then, I'm excited to introduce today's young mothers to MomCo, founded on the simple premise of Moms Helping Moms. In my new role as a MomCo Ambassador, I invite you to subscribe to MommyBlogExpert and follow along as each month I'll be publishing a new blogpost about new products we discover and love as well as share with you about the new products added to the Mom Must Haves section of the MomCo app that just launched.

Our 4 babies with Hubby and I,
To kick off this new feature, we will start with apps that moms must have! We have discovered these apps over the past few months and absolutely love them. We are also happy to say that they have all been founded by moms. These moms saw pain points that moms were feeling and they created ways to solve those pain points. Take a look and let us know what you think. 

Make sure to check out the Mom Must-Have section for other awesome products we think moms need to know about. Also, we would love to hear about the products that you and your kiddos love. Please leave any suggestions for our Mom Must-Haves in the comment section of this blog post.


Description: MomCo has done for moms what dating apps have done for singles. With the MomCo app, moms can effortlessly locate and connect with other moms in their community that have similar aged children and shared interests. No more wasted time or awkward moments at the playground trying to find moms to be friends with. It also helps moms find resources, products and services that they need. MomCo combined the best elements from other popular platforms currently being utilized by moms and streamlined them to meet the needs of the modern mom.

Thoughts: The MomCo mamas are 2 moms that are trying to make other moms lives easier. Because they are moms of young children themselves, they know what moms want.They built this app because it is genuinely something they wish they had when they first became moms.Moms can now find friendship, playdates, support, events, deals, and services…all in one app! 

Cost: Free

Where to download:
Google Play:

Cluck Cluck

Description: CluckCluck helps organize and simplify communication between parents and their kids’ caregivers. Parents can send one invitation to any (or all) of their go-to caregivers, see who’s available, and book the person they want. They can also provide access to task lists for each child, and get real-time, one-touch updates on those tasks from their sitter while away. Parents can also skip the ATM and pay caregivers directly from the phone and more.

Thoughts: This app is genius. One of the biggest challenges with going out without children is the logistics of coordinating what sitter is going to care for your children.  With the CluckCluck app, you can easily ask all of your favorite sitters if they are available, book the one you want, get updates while you are gone (is baby asleep yet?!) and pay the sitter through your phone. Life just got a lot easier with this app if you need to coordinate with caregivers.

Cost: $.99

Where to download:


Description: As parents, we can all understand how tough it is to remember our kids’ incredible quotes and observations. LittleHoots is a fast, fun and easy way to capture all the wonderful things your children say. Beautiful designer templates bring those moments to life instantly. Then, it’s archived forever.

Thoughts:  Love this app.  Everyone has kids that say the funniest things and as time passes, you forget.  Not anymore.   Now you can take out your phone and record it quickly with this app. Awesome! 

Cost: Free

Where to download:

30Second Mom

Description: 30Second Mom creates engaging snackable content for busy moms from a variety of experts, and shares it in 30 seconds or less. It’s the first vertical launched by 30Second Mobile, a leading mobile media company launched by award-winning entrepreneur Elisa All, who previously founded (acquired by Disney). 

Thoughts: The 30Second Mom app is like that best friend you wish you had on call – all the time, and in no time at all. With nearly 150 experts sharing their best tips and ideas on every facet of motherhood, you’re bound to find a nugget of helpful info that will change your life for the better, in the same amount of time it takes you to watch a TV commercial! 

Cost: Free

Where to download:

FTC Disclosure: I disclose I am being compensated for this blogpost which includes some of my own opinions. All images were provided by MomCo, except where noted otherwise. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's home page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. I love this - they are not just for parents. These will help me as a Grandparent!

  2. Love a free app. I don't have little one any longer, but if I did, I would get this app. It is always nice to be able to read about other Moms struggling with the same issues you are.

  3. With your experience as a mom, I definitely trust your advice. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts each month.

  4. I love the picture oh you and your babies! Wow! YOu were busyyyyy! Great apps too!
