Twitter Parties
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Master Twitter Party Calendar - Including USA & Canada
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Master Twitter Chat Party Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. A new weekly Twitter Party Schedule is published every Sunday at 9 am ET.
Be the first to know when the latest Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party schedule goes live by following MBE on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and/or subscribe now.
Most parties are for U.S. only, unless indicated otherwise. Look for highlights in pink for Twitter Parties where CANADA residents are eligible for prizes.
Sunday, October 26
Treat Right Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @merrickpetcare @eventbarkers @dogtipper. Prizes: $750 in Merrick treats - see RSVP link for details. #TreatRight RSVP
Monday, October 27
Tylenol Smiling It Forward Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Approx $700 in Visa giftcards. #SmilingItForward RSVP
Give Back October Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @mompoweredmedia @momtobedby8 @conservamome and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 Visa giftcards and ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 Visa giftcard. #GiveBackOctober RSVP
Kids Cook Chat Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @kidscookmonday @red_razz @nourishrds. Prizes: Raspberry Red Kitchen Aid stand mixer and other red kitchen prizes. #kidscookchat Details
Purina Halloween WM Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @dawnchats @sweeptight @savvysavingcoup. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 Walmart giftcards. #PurinaHalloweenWM RSVP
Delta FlushIQ Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lifeofdadshow. Prizes: Lots of prizes including TWO (2) FlushIQ Toilets. #FlushIQ RSVP
Enza's Luscious Lashes Facebook Party at 9 pm ET with @enzasbargain. Prizes: TBA. #MoxieMascara RSVP
Green Mom Eco Beauty Education Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @greenmomsco @cocoonjessica @pureanada and others. Prizes: Green beauty products - see RSVP link for details - US & Canada residents eligible for prizes. #GreenMom RSVP
Traveling Moms Haunted Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @travelingmoms @kimorlando and others. Prizes: $25 giftcard. #TMom RSVP
Fake Off Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @crissy. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 American Express giftcards. #FakeOff RSVP
Tuesday, October 28
Halloween Tips & Tricks Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @first5sac @healthyeating @cleverhousewife and others. Prizes: 4-Pack Fairytale Town tickets, backpack full of books and $50 Target giftcard. #Tips4Tots RSVP
Bigelow Tea Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @bigelowtea @naturallysavvy @andreadonsky. Prizes: SIX (6) 4-flavor wood tea chests ARV $30. #BigelowTea RSVP
PS Life Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @valpakcoupons. Prizes: $250 in giftcards. #PSLife RSVP
Everyday Care Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @whirlpoolusa @crowdtappers. Prizes: $750 in giftcards. #EveryDayCare RSVP
7th Gen Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: 7th Gen product giftbaskets, TWO (2) $25 giftcards. #7thGenClean RSVP
My Pick N Save Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @picknsavestores @outnumberedmama @littlemamajama and others. #MyPickNSave RSVP
Crush Halloween Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @somedayilllearn. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Visa giftcards + Halloween fun kits. #CrushHalloween RSVP
Splashscore Touch Me Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @splashscore. Prizes: $500+ in prizes. #TouchMe RSVP
Lands Ends Outer Wear Travel Tuesdays Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @landsendpr @momtrends and others. Prizes: Lands End outer wear merchandise. Participate in party with hashtag. #LEOuterWear #TravelTuesday Details
October Disney Kids Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @momtalkradio @resourcefulmom @momselectamy. Prizes: FIVE (5) Disney kids prize packs. #DisneyKids RSVP
Amigas Huggies Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lbconnect @laflowers and others. Prizes: THREE (3) $100 giftcards. #AmigasHuggies RSVP
Healthy Family Expo Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @healthyfamexpo @thegreenmama and others. Prizes: $1000+ in prizes - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #HFEsmallsteps RSVP
Life on FiOS Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @theonlinemom @verizonfios. Prizes: Kindle Fire HDX 7" tablet. #LifeonFiOS RSVP
Dawn Beyond the Sink Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Rowenta Iron/Sorter Combo ARV $100, Shark Stick Vac, $100 Williams Sonoma giftcard, Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer ARV $350 - all prize packs include Dawn product. #DawnBeyondtheSink RSVP
Mom Travel Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @familiesgo @theandibrand @babyganics and others. Prizes: TWO (2) Andi tote bags, TWO (2) Babyganics goody bags, TWO (2) Downy giftboxes. #MOMTravelChat RSVP
DelSolColor Cariloha Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @discoverself @couponmomof4 @pamelamaynard and others. Prizes: DelSol/Cariloha giftcards - TWO (8) $50, ONE (1) $100. #1SaveTaTas RSVP
Pairology Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @stemit @savorysimple. Prizes: Fruit, wine or cheese prizes. #Pairology RSVP
Frugal Florida Vacation Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @westvolusiafla @couponmamacita @coolchillmom and others. Prizes: ONE (1) Two night/three day getaway in the West Volusia Florida Region. Participate in party with hashtag #FrugalFLVacation Details
Family Travel CA Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @kidsumers. Prizes: Hundreds of dollars of The Shopping Club giftcards and a Grand Prize that includes a 3-piece Heys FLARE Inspired Fashion Spinner Luggage Set ARV $459.97 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #FamilyTravelCA RSVP
Residence Inn Family Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @residenceinn @mackidmamabear and others. Prizes: $200 Residence Inn giftcard. #RIFamily RSVP
Wednesday, October 29
Flavor Served Twitter Party at Noon ET with @moderndaymoms @formulamom @huntschef. Prizes: TBA. #Flavor Served RSVP
Laundry Bliss Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @purex @dentistmel @simplybeingmom and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $100 Target giftcards and THREE (3) packages that include $100 Target GC + Ultimate Laundry prize pack #LaundryBliss RSVP
Tommee Tippee Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @crissy. Prizes: EIGHT (8) Explora sippy cup sets, ONE (1) Grand Prize custom Tommee Tippee prize pack of cups and other Explora products - US & Canada residents eligible for prizes.No RSVP, participate in party with hashtag #TommeeTippee Details
Know Your Naturals Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @influenstervox @neutrogena. Prizes: Prizes from Neutrogena. #KnowYourNaturals RSVP
Weekly Expedia Chat Twitter Party this week talking about Los Cabos 1:30 to 3 pm ET with @expedia. Prize: ONE (1) $500 Expedia travel voucher. Participate in party with hashtag #ExpediaChat Details
Redbox Canada Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @mychaos @simplystacienet @bigdaddykreativ and others. Prizes: TWO (2) years worth of Redbox Rentals - 52 coupons Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #RedboxCanada RSVP
SoftBums Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @softbums @inquisitivemom. Prizes: TBA. #SBMidniteRelease #ClothDiapers #WinAllTheDiapers RSVP
Stayfree Contest Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sassymodernmom @the_pantyparty @nugglemama and others. Prizes: SIX (6) prize packs ARV $100, ONE (1) Grand Prize ARV $500 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #StayfreeContest RSVP
Pampers Sleep Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Twinkles Night Light + Pampers product, Pottery Barn Plush Security Blanket + $50 Barnes & Noble giftcard + Pampers product, $125 Children's Place giftcard for pajamas + Pampers product, Kindle Fire + $100 Amazon giftcard + Pampers products. #PampersSleepChat RSVP
Muffin Top Movie Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @thegrrlgenius @kadiprescott @hollywoodhotmom and others. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #MuffintopMovie Details
Thursday, October 30
Mom & Baby Twitter Party at Noon ET with @ptpa. Prizes: TBA. #PTPAMomandBaby RSVP
My Mariano's Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @marianosmarket @blm03 @sweeptight and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Mariano's giftcards. #MyMarianos RSVP
Sugar Free Dye Free Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $25 giftcards. #SugarFreeDyeFree RSVP
Advil Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @crowdtappers. Prizes: Prizes every 10 minutes - $750 in giftcards. #FastAdvil RSVP
Tru Tailgating Twitter Chat Party from 3 to 9 pm ET with @charbroil. Prizes: Char-Broil® Grill2Go X200 Portable Gas Grill and more. #TruTailgating Details
EZ BZ Tampa Twitter Party at 6 pm ET with @poshmoma and others. Prizes: TBA + Grand Prize of a 2-night getaway for two. #EZBZTampa RSVP
Just Label It GMO Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @sarahstanley and others. Prizes: Nature's Path, Naturepedic. Participate in party with hashtag #wellnesschat Details
Tana Loves Shoes Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @moeturner @kidsumers @mom2michael and others. Prizes: $500 Shoe Shopping Spree - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #TanaLovesShoes RSVP
Suave Spa Secrets Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @chelseakrost @ashcrouch1. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #SuaveSpaSecrets
Future of Greenbelt Twitter Chat Party at 8 pm ET with @greenmomsco @greenbeltca. Prizes: FIVE (5) winners - see RSVP link for details - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #OnGreenbelt RSVP
CIBC Talks Biz Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @cibc. Prizes: THREE (3) $100 giftcards - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Participate in party with hashtag #CIBCTalksBiz Details
Label GMOs Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @bookieboo @orrighttoknow @yeson105 and others. Prizes: GMO-friendly products - see RSVP link for details. #LabelGMOs RSVP
Life You Want Sea Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @modernmom @carlahall and others. Prizes: $50, $100 + $200 SpaFinder giftcard prize packs that also include PG products & include a Bundle of Oprah Trailblazer Books; Grand Prize package that includes an iPad Mini, $100 SpaFinder GC and more. #LifeYouWantSea #CrestSmile RSVP
Clucktoberfest Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @chickenfarmers @sjconsulting_ca @rickardsbeer. Prizes: Lots of prizes, crockpots, giftcards and more - see RSVP link for details - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #Clucktoberfest RSVP
Treat Right Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @merrickpetcare @eventbarkers @dogtipper. Prizes: $750 in Merrick treats - see RSVP link for details. #TreatRight RSVP
Monday, October 27
Tylenol Smiling It Forward Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Approx $700 in Visa giftcards. #SmilingItForward RSVP
Give Back October Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @mompoweredmedia @momtobedby8 @conservamome and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 Visa giftcards and ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 Visa giftcard. #GiveBackOctober RSVP
Kids Cook Chat Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @kidscookmonday @red_razz @nourishrds. Prizes: Raspberry Red Kitchen Aid stand mixer and other red kitchen prizes. #kidscookchat Details
Purina Halloween WM Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @dawnchats @sweeptight @savvysavingcoup. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 Walmart giftcards. #PurinaHalloweenWM RSVP
Delta FlushIQ Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lifeofdadshow. Prizes: Lots of prizes including TWO (2) FlushIQ Toilets. #FlushIQ RSVP
Enza's Luscious Lashes Facebook Party at 9 pm ET with @enzasbargain. Prizes: TBA. #MoxieMascara RSVP
Green Mom Eco Beauty Education Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @greenmomsco @cocoonjessica @pureanada and others. Prizes: Green beauty products - see RSVP link for details - US & Canada residents eligible for prizes. #GreenMom RSVP
Traveling Moms Haunted Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @travelingmoms @kimorlando and others. Prizes: $25 giftcard. #TMom RSVP
Fake Off Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @crissy. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 American Express giftcards. #FakeOff RSVP
Bigelow Tea Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @bigelowtea @naturallysavvy @andreadonsky. Prizes: SIX (6) 4-flavor wood tea chests ARV $30. #BigelowTea RSVP
PS Life Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @valpakcoupons. Prizes: $250 in giftcards. #PSLife RSVP
7th Gen Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: 7th Gen product giftbaskets, TWO (2) $25 giftcards. #7thGenClean RSVP
Crush Halloween Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @somedayilllearn. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Visa giftcards + Halloween fun kits. #CrushHalloween RSVP
Splashscore Touch Me Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @splashscore. Prizes: $500+ in prizes. #TouchMe RSVP
Lands Ends Outer Wear Travel Tuesdays Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @landsendpr @momtrends and others. Prizes: Lands End outer wear merchandise. Participate in party with hashtag. #LEOuterWear #TravelTuesday Details
Amigas Huggies Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lbconnect @laflowers and others. Prizes: THREE (3) $100 giftcards. #AmigasHuggies RSVP
Healthy Family Expo Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @healthyfamexpo @thegreenmama and others. Prizes: $1000+ in prizes - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #HFEsmallsteps RSVP
Life on FiOS Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @theonlinemom @verizonfios. Prizes: Kindle Fire HDX 7" tablet. #LifeonFiOS RSVP
DelSolColor Cariloha Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @discoverself @couponmomof4 @pamelamaynard and others. Prizes: DelSol/Cariloha giftcards - TWO (8) $50, ONE (1) $100. #1SaveTaTas RSVP
Pairology Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @stemit @savorysimple. Prizes: Fruit, wine or cheese prizes. #Pairology RSVP
Frugal Florida Vacation Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @westvolusiafla @couponmamacita @coolchillmom and others. Prizes: ONE (1) Two night/three day getaway in the West Volusia Florida Region. Participate in party with hashtag #FrugalFLVacation Details
Family Travel CA Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @kidsumers. Prizes: Hundreds of dollars of The Shopping Club giftcards and a Grand Prize that includes a 3-piece Heys FLARE Inspired Fashion Spinner Luggage Set ARV $459.97 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #FamilyTravelCA RSVP
Residence Inn Family Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @residenceinn @mackidmamabear and others. Prizes: $200 Residence Inn giftcard. #RIFamily RSVP
Laundry Bliss Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @purex @dentistmel @simplybeingmom and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $100 Target giftcards and THREE (3) packages that include $100 Target GC + Ultimate Laundry prize pack #LaundryBliss RSVP
Tommee Tippee Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @crissy. Prizes: EIGHT (8) Explora sippy cup sets, ONE (1) Grand Prize custom Tommee Tippee prize pack of cups and other Explora products - US & Canada residents eligible for prizes.No RSVP, participate in party with hashtag #TommeeTippee Details
Know Your Naturals Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @influenstervox @neutrogena. Prizes: Prizes from Neutrogena. #KnowYourNaturals RSVP
Weekly Expedia Chat Twitter Party this week talking about Los Cabos 1:30 to 3 pm ET with @expedia. Prize: ONE (1) $500 Expedia travel voucher. Participate in party with hashtag #ExpediaChat Details
Redbox Canada Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @mychaos @simplystacienet @bigdaddykreativ and others. Prizes: TWO (2) years worth of Redbox Rentals - 52 coupons Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #RedboxCanada RSVP
SoftBums Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @softbums @inquisitivemom. Prizes: TBA. #SBMidniteRelease #ClothDiapers #WinAllTheDiapers RSVP
Stayfree Contest Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sassymodernmom @the_pantyparty @nugglemama and others. Prizes: SIX (6) prize packs ARV $100, ONE (1) Grand Prize ARV $500 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #StayfreeContest RSVP
Muffin Top Movie Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @thegrrlgenius @kadiprescott @hollywoodhotmom and others. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #MuffintopMovie Details
Mom & Baby Twitter Party at Noon ET with @ptpa. Prizes: TBA. #PTPAMomandBaby RSVP
My Mariano's Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @marianosmarket @blm03 @sweeptight and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Mariano's giftcards. #MyMarianos RSVP
Sugar Free Dye Free Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $25 giftcards. #SugarFreeDyeFree RSVP
Just Label It GMO Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @sarahstanley and others. Prizes: Nature's Path, Naturepedic. Participate in party with hashtag #wellnesschat Details
Tana Loves Shoes Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @moeturner @kidsumers @mom2michael and others. Prizes: $500 Shoe Shopping Spree - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #TanaLovesShoes RSVP
Suave Spa Secrets Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @chelseakrost @ashcrouch1. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #SuaveSpaSecrets
Future of Greenbelt Twitter Chat Party at 8 pm ET with @greenmomsco @greenbeltca. Prizes: FIVE (5) winners - see RSVP link for details - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #OnGreenbelt RSVP
CIBC Talks Biz Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @cibc. Prizes: THREE (3) $100 giftcards - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Participate in party with hashtag #CIBCTalksBiz Details
Label GMOs Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @bookieboo @orrighttoknow @yeson105 and others. Prizes: GMO-friendly products - see RSVP link for details. #LabelGMOs RSVP
Life You Want Sea Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @modernmom @carlahall and others. Prizes: $50, $100 + $200 SpaFinder giftcard prize packs that also include PG products & include a Bundle of Oprah Trailblazer Books; Grand Prize package that includes an iPad Mini, $100 SpaFinder GC and more. #LifeYouWantSea #CrestSmile RSVP
Clucktoberfest Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @chickenfarmers @sjconsulting_ca @rickardsbeer. Prizes: Lots of prizes, crockpots, giftcards and more - see RSVP link for details - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #Clucktoberfest RSVP
Friday, October 31
Mobile Lifestyle Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: ONE (1) Sony Xperia Z3 tablet, THREE (3) Sony Xperia Z3v smartphones. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Saturday, November 1
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @galaxytheaters. Prizes: Hunger Games prize packs. Participate in party with hashtag #GalaxyHGFlyaway Details
Saturday, November 1
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @galaxytheaters. Prizes: Hunger Games prize packs. Participate in party with hashtag #GalaxyHGFlyaway Details
Monday, November 3
Wild Oats Voices Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @wildoats @momswhosave @southernkrazed and others. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes $100 Visa giftcard + Wild Oats products total ARV $150; NINE (9) Wild Oats prize packs ARV $40. #WildOatsVoices RSVP
Fall Weather and Pets Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @charlottereed @petrendologist and others. Prizes: Prizes your pet will appreciate. #PetrendWeather RSVP
Boiron Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @greenmomsco @boironcanada. Prize: Boiron's Essentials to Stay Healthy This Cold Season ARV $150 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #GreenMom #Boiron RSVP
Fake Off Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @shibleysmiles @donnachaffins @kbunn. Prizes: THREE (3) American Express $50 giftcards. No RSVP, participate in party with hashtag #FakeOff Details
Tuesday, November 4
Common Cents Day Twitter Party at Noon ET with @jen_banks @pgeverydayca and others. Prizes: TBA - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #CommonCentsDay RSVP
Two Blogs Holiday Gift Guide Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @marvelgoddess24 @joyceduboise. #TwoBlogsHolidayGiftGuide RSVP
Lands End Outer Wear Travel Tuesdays Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @landsendpr @leprmolly @leprmichele and others. Prizes: Lands End outer wear merchandise. Participate in party with hashtag #LEOuterWear #TravelTuesday
Disney Maleficent Twitter Party with @socialmoms at 7 pm ET. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Maleficent Blu-ray DVD combo prize packs, ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 giftcard.
#MaleficentSweeps RSVP
Moms and Brands Holiday Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @momsandbrands. Prizes: TBA. #MomsAndBrands RSVP
Mom of the Year Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @listen2lena @walmartcanada and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $200 Walmart Canada giftcards - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #MomoftheYear RSVP
National Stroller Running Day Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @pregawareness @lisadruxman @alysiamontano and others. Prizes: Giveaway every 15 minutes - a BOB Revolution Pro Stroller Single or Duallie, a free month of Fit4Mom Stroller Strides Class & accessories. Participate in party with hashtag #StrollerRun14 Details
Mi Heroe Favorito Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @erikestrada @latinomarketing @latinamomblogs and others. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packs that include $100 Disney Store giftcard + Disney Planes Fire & Rescue Blu-ray combo pack, ONE (1) prize package including $200 Disney Store GC, Blu-ray combo, book & toy ARV $299.9, plus ONE (1) random prize - see RSVP link for details. #MiHeroeFavorito RSVP
Wednesday, November 5
Viva La Morena Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @candypo @coolchillmom @mamaxxi and others. Prizes: SIX (6) $100 Visa giftcards. #VivaLaMorena RSVP
Live Beautifully Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @clever_network. Prizes: SEVEN (7) Suave prize packs ARV $50. #HairoftheDay RSVP
Target Pharmacy Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @targetcanada. Prizes: TBA. Canada Residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Watch hashtag for more details soon #TargetPharmacy
Visit Puerto Vallarta Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sassymodernmom @feistyfrugal @kidsumers and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) Playa kits consisting of fun beach stuff and ONE (1) Grand Prize of a 3-night stay for a family of 4 worth $3000 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #VisitPV RSVP
Regalo De Amor Pampers Bilingual Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @latinamomblogs @latinomarketing @jollymom and others. Prizes: ONE (1) prize pack that includes a $50 Visa giftcard + products, ONE (1) prize pack including $100 Visa GC + products, ONE (1) prize pack including iPad Mini + products, ONE (1) Grand Prize pack including Canon T5 DSLR Camera + products. #RegaloDeAmorPampers RSVP
Thursday, November 6
Febreze Holiday Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @febreze_fresh and panelists @zipporahs @lisasamples @stacieinatlanta @mommyblogexpert @amnichols @robynsworld @crissybeam @suuperg. Prizes: $1000 in prizes including $100 Walmart gift cards and a $300 Walmart GC Grand Prize. #FebrezeHoliday RSVP
Disney Planes Fire Rescue Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @socialmoms @suelee1998. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Planes Fire & Rescue Blu-ray combo packs, THREE (3) prize packs that include toy & book sets ARV $70+, ONE (1) $250 Disney Store gift card. #PlanesFireandRescueSweeps RSVP
Culturelle Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @dawnchats @sweeptight @adventuresof8. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 Amazon giftcards, Culturelle kids products + tote bag; ONE (1) Grand Prize $100 Amazon GC + goodies. #CulturelleKids RSVP
Throwback Thursday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @thisbirdsday @mommyisweird @hometoheather and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 giftcards and ONE (1) $100 GC. #TBTwTBD RSVP
Dreft Hypoallergenic Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Assorted prize packs with products and giftcards - see RSVP link for details. #DreftHypo RSVP
Holiday Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @beltwaybargain @valpakcoupons @savings and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $25 Amazon giftcards, ONE (1) $50 Amazon GC and TWO (2) $75 GC and ONE (1) $100 GC. #HolidaySavings RSVP
Target Pharmacy Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @targetcanada @shesconnected. Prizes: TBA - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Participate in party with hashtag #TargetPharmacyCA Details
Friday, November 7
Mobile Music Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Wild Oats Voices Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @wildoats @momswhosave @southernkrazed and others. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes $100 Visa giftcard + Wild Oats products total ARV $150; NINE (9) Wild Oats prize packs ARV $40. #WildOatsVoices RSVP
Fall Weather and Pets Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @charlottereed @petrendologist and others. Prizes: Prizes your pet will appreciate. #PetrendWeather RSVP
Boiron Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @greenmomsco @boironcanada. Prize: Boiron's Essentials to Stay Healthy This Cold Season ARV $150 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #GreenMom #Boiron RSVP
Fake Off Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @shibleysmiles @donnachaffins @kbunn. Prizes: THREE (3) American Express $50 giftcards. No RSVP, participate in party with hashtag #FakeOff Details
Tuesday, November 4
Common Cents Day Twitter Party at Noon ET with @jen_banks @pgeverydayca and others. Prizes: TBA - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #CommonCentsDay RSVP
Two Blogs Holiday Gift Guide Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @marvelgoddess24 @joyceduboise. #TwoBlogsHolidayGiftGuide RSVP
Lands End Outer Wear Travel Tuesdays Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @landsendpr @leprmolly @leprmichele and others. Prizes: Lands End outer wear merchandise. Participate in party with hashtag #LEOuterWear #TravelTuesday
Disney Maleficent Twitter Party with @socialmoms at 7 pm ET. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Maleficent Blu-ray DVD combo prize packs, ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 giftcard.
#MaleficentSweeps RSVP
Moms and Brands Holiday Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @momsandbrands. Prizes: TBA. #MomsAndBrands RSVP
Mom of the Year Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @listen2lena @walmartcanada and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $200 Walmart Canada giftcards - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #MomoftheYear RSVP
National Stroller Running Day Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @pregawareness @lisadruxman @alysiamontano and others. Prizes: Giveaway every 15 minutes - a BOB Revolution Pro Stroller Single or Duallie, a free month of Fit4Mom Stroller Strides Class & accessories. Participate in party with hashtag #StrollerRun14 Details
Mi Heroe Favorito Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @erikestrada @latinomarketing @latinamomblogs and others. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packs that include $100 Disney Store giftcard + Disney Planes Fire & Rescue Blu-ray combo pack, ONE (1) prize package including $200 Disney Store GC, Blu-ray combo, book & toy ARV $299.9, plus ONE (1) random prize - see RSVP link for details. #MiHeroeFavorito RSVP
Wednesday, November 5
Viva La Morena Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @candypo @coolchillmom @mamaxxi and others. Prizes: SIX (6) $100 Visa giftcards. #VivaLaMorena RSVP
Live Beautifully Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @clever_network. Prizes: SEVEN (7) Suave prize packs ARV $50. #HairoftheDay RSVP
Target Pharmacy Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @targetcanada. Prizes: TBA. Canada Residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Watch hashtag for more details soon #TargetPharmacy
Visit Puerto Vallarta Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sassymodernmom @feistyfrugal @kidsumers and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) Playa kits consisting of fun beach stuff and ONE (1) Grand Prize of a 3-night stay for a family of 4 worth $3000 - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. #VisitPV RSVP
Regalo De Amor Pampers Bilingual Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @latinamomblogs @latinomarketing @jollymom and others. Prizes: ONE (1) prize pack that includes a $50 Visa giftcard + products, ONE (1) prize pack including $100 Visa GC + products, ONE (1) prize pack including iPad Mini + products, ONE (1) Grand Prize pack including Canon T5 DSLR Camera + products. #RegaloDeAmorPampers RSVP
Thursday, November 6
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#FebrezeHoliday Twitter Party 11/6 at 2 pm ET |
Disney Planes Fire Rescue Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @socialmoms @suelee1998. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Planes Fire & Rescue Blu-ray combo packs, THREE (3) prize packs that include toy & book sets ARV $70+, ONE (1) $250 Disney Store gift card. #PlanesFireandRescueSweeps RSVP
Culturelle Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @dawnchats @sweeptight @adventuresof8. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 Amazon giftcards, Culturelle kids products + tote bag; ONE (1) Grand Prize $100 Amazon GC + goodies. #CulturelleKids RSVP
Throwback Thursday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @thisbirdsday @mommyisweird @hometoheather and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 giftcards and ONE (1) $100 GC. #TBTwTBD RSVP
Dreft Hypoallergenic Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @doubledutydivas. Prizes: Assorted prize packs with products and giftcards - see RSVP link for details. #DreftHypo RSVP
Holiday Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @beltwaybargain @valpakcoupons @savings and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $25 Amazon giftcards, ONE (1) $50 Amazon GC and TWO (2) $75 GC and ONE (1) $100 GC. #HolidaySavings RSVP
Target Pharmacy Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @targetcanada @shesconnected. Prizes: TBA - Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Participate in party with hashtag #TargetPharmacyCA Details
Friday, November 7
Mobile Music Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Abound Pet Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @aboundpet @eventbarkers @cattipper and others. Prizes: Prizes for cats and dogs - see RSVP link for details. #AboundPet RSVP
Monday, November 10
Duck Prints Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @clever_network. Prizes: TBA. #DuckPrints RSVP
Tuesday, November 11
Lands End Outer Wear Travel Tuesday Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @landsendpr @leprmolly @leprmichele and others. Prizes: Lands End outer wear merchandise. Participate in party with hashtag #LEOuterWear #TravelTuesday
Wednesday, November 12
BioELIXIA Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @bioelixia @beautystat @alywalansky. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize of BioElixia products ARV $100, THREE (3) runners up BioElixia products ARV $50. #BioELIXIA RSVP
Thursday, November 13
Holiday Family Travel Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @clever_network. Prizes: SEVEN (7) $50 Visa giftcards and ONE (1) $100 Visa GC. #FamilyCarAdvice RSVP
Throwback Thursday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @thisbirdsday @mommyisweird @hometoheather and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 giftcards and ONE (1) $100 GC. #TBTwTBD RSVP
Friday, November 14
Extra Gum Moments Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @extragum @dodomesticdad @laughwithusblog and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Visa giftcards. #ExtraGumMoments RSVP
Getting More from Your Smartphone Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Monday, November 17
The Stork Canada Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @storkbyrinovum. Prizes: TBA -Canada residents ONLY eligible for prizes. Participate in party with hashtag #TheStorkCAN
Thursday, November 20
Glade Holiday Mood Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @glade @candypo @coolchillmom and others. Prizes: SIX (6) $100 Visa giftcards. #GladeHolidayMood RSVP
Friday, November 21
How to Shop for Technology Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Friday, December 5
How to Choose the Right Data Plan at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @geekbabe @thetechdad. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Master Twitter Party Calendar, the most comprehensive, constantly updated Free resource of its kind online. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar.
For Brands
How to Add a Twitter Party to the Calendar
Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Master Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.Hire Me to Plan, Promote and/or Host Your Twitter Party
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please for information with "Twitter Party Consulting Query" in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. Except for the #FebrezeHoliday Twitter Party on 11/6, I did not receive payment or compensation associated with any party on this calendar. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
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