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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Giveaway Kids DVD Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends #BerryBestFriends


This is a sponsored post

Except where noted otherwise, all images in this post from Fox Home Entertainment

Enter the Giveaway below, then download the free Printables HERE

Strawberry Shortcake is back! In association with MBE's latest Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment movie review of Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best FriendsI'm excited to host another fun family friendly kids movie giveaway for readers! 

Learn more about this new Fox G-rated DVD + Digital Copy for home viewing by checking out MBE's Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends review

Strawberry Shortcake:

Berry Best Friends

DVD Movie

Ends 10/28/14

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

MommyBlogExpert's Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends DVD Giveaway ends October 28, 2014 at 12 am PT and is open to legal residents of the U.S. only. Fox Home Entertainment will award ONE (1)  Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends DVD to the winner. Winner of this MBE contest will be selected at random from all entries and will be notified via email and must respond within 24 hours to claim their prize.

To learn more about Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friendsread the review. You can also keep up to date on everything else Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is doing by visiting and following the movie studio on Facebook and Twitter.

Good Luck!!!

More Family-Friendly
Mommy Blog Expert Giveaways


Thanks to for including this contest in their directory of current giveaways.

About Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is the industry leading worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox produced, acquired and third party partner film and television programming. Each year TCFHE expands its award-winning global product portfolio with the introduction of new entertainment content through established and emerging formats including DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox.

FTC Disclosure: This is a #BerryBestFriends #FHEInsiders sponsored post. I disclose that I am a Fox Home Entertainment Insider brand ambassador. I received the DVD featured to facilitate the associated movie review and free printables post and Fox is providing the prize and shipping for this Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Friends DVD Giveaway MBE is hosting. However no payment was received and opinions here are my own. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. I want to win this for my daughter!

  2. I would like to win because we have five young kids who would enjoy it!

  3. I'd like to win this for my daughter!

  4. Want to win it for the kiddo, to put away for Christmas.

  5. I want to win this for my daughter's Christmas

  6. i want to win for my baby cousin for christmas ! :)

  7. To give to my friend's step daughter. :)

  8. I want to win this so that my daughter will enjoy this!

  9. Olivia is obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake

  10. I want to give this to my best friend's daughter :)

  11. I want to win this as a gift for my niece.
