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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Talkeetna Alaska Family Vacation Thru Lens of Nokia Lumia Icon Smartphone #VZWBuzz


This is a sponsored post

2nd in a 3-Part Series on the Nokia Lumia Icon

It seems like it was ages ago, but in reality it's only been about a month since our family, including four teenagers, spent a glorious August vacation exploring the natural beauty of the 49th state of Alaska. Thanks to the high power camera on the Nokia Lumia Icon Windows smartphone that I brought along, I was able to capture many indescribable memories and bring home some of the most crystal clear images I've ever taken.

Talkeetna, AK is home to many artists,
In this post I've handpicked the best of the best of photos I shot while visiting the charming village of Talkeetna, population 876, which is about 2-1/2 hours' drive from Anchorage. This historic and beautiful small town is located near the base of the magestic mountain of Denali, also known as Mt. McKinley.

This shop characterizes the artsy feel of the village,
Speaking of beautiful photography potential, the Nokia Lumia Icon 20 MP PureView camera with optical image stabilization is by far the most advanced I've ever owned. The miniscule 8 MP camera on my previous phone, the iPhone 5, doesn't even come close.

I never realized there were so many shades of green,
I know it's hard to believe from looking at all these high quality images, but on the days I took the pictures you see throughout this post, it was rainy. In fact, our flight up to land on one of Denali's glaciers was canceled because the entire mountain was socked in.

Walking through Talkeetna there were surprises around every corner...

A friendly Talkeetna goat greets visitors,
The most unusual fast food restaurant ever,
Me posing for a silly souvenir photo,
This local landmark is a walk back in time,
Despite the inclement weather, we all still had a great time and, with the Nokia Lumia Icon in-hand, I was able to take some great pictures, too.

Wild Mushrooms grow everywhere here,
Even on the way up to Talkeetna aboard the Alaska Railroad going 40 mph through the window on a rainy day the colors, depth and clarity of this photo shine through... 

View enroute on Alaska Railroad to Talkeetna,
I've only just begun to skim the surface of all that this smartphone's camera is capable of and am now delving into the included photography apps such as Nokia Camera and Creative Studio. 

Suffice it to say that I cannot wait to bring this technological wonder on our next trip to New Zealand so that I can share even more awesome smartphone photography with you.

Summer Annual Flowers add color along the street,
The Nokia Lumia Icon, list price $499.99, is available exclusively from Verizon Wireless in-store and online right now for just $99 with a 2-year contract. Other purchase options include $24.99/month on the Verizon Edge Plan. You can buy the phone alone or with various accessories on

Nokia Lumia Icon,
Image provided by Verizon Wireless
FTC Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I disclose that I am a Verizon Wireless Lifestyle Blogger #VZWBuzz brand ambassador and that I received the featured Nokia Lumia Icon Smartphone from Verizon to facilitate this post series. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.

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