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Friday, September 19, 2014

Shirt Calms Nervous Dogs Cats Affected by Loud Noises & Changes Outside Pet Comfort Zones


by Benny Balazs
Lifestyle Writer

This is a sponsored post

Whether it's fireworks, thunderstorms or other situations that can easily startle a pet, it can be a daunting time for pet owners with dogs and cats, especially ones that are naturally a bit nervous. Many of us are familiar with our pets’ reactions to sudden noises, let alone loud explosions and more. For certain it can be an unsettling experience for them, and sometimes it can have traumatic consequences. In the worst case scenario, a pet can simply die from shock. A close friend of mine lost his dog to a heart attack induced by fireworks. The threat is apparent, and thankfully I recently discovered a product that can help our pets stay calm during those anxiety-inducing periods of time.

My dog sports her new ThunderShirt,  Benny Balazs,
The ThunderShirt, from Thunderworks, is an ingenious product that taps into a very simple psychological mechanic. The shirt is designed so that when worn by your pet, it gives them the sensation that they are being held or comforted. This idea of applying physical pressure in order to induce calm is an ancient, if not instinctual, practice. The shirt itself has a very clean look, and when fitted to correct measurement, fits quite snuggly to just about any dog or cat you have in your home.

I tested the product for a week, observing how my nervous wreck of a mixed terrier canine reacted to wearing the vest. The product came with an ever-so-convenient manual that explained the process of attuning one’s pet to wearing it. As advised I started off only letting my pet wear the shirt for around 15 or 20 minutes.

Chillin ThunderShirt style, Benny Balazs,

As days went by, I had my pup wear it for gradually extended periods of time. When she first wore the ThunderShirt, she was very scared. Eventually she got used to it, and was able to walk around and even lie down in her bed wearing it.

More importantly, the vest did its job. While the Fourth of July fireworks were ablaze in the night sky, my little friend was barely shaking, if at all. She seemed anxious, but the only indicator of that was her confused facial expression. Otherwise she remained calm and collected, and felt no need to whine or panic.
Calm as can be when visitors knock, Benny Balazs,
Since the product piqued my curiosity, I decided to attempt a few more tests. My mother runs a shop out of our home and as a result she has many people drive up to the house to purchase wares. My dog gets very rowdy when customers come, as most dogs react to strangers on their turf, but when she wears the ThunderShirt her bellowing roars and howls are reduced to a few whimpers. Eventually she just stops and remains quiet. 

In another test I sat her on the living room couch and left a treat on the floor. She refused to jump off the couch to retrieve her favorite treat – homemade bread. Instead, she sat down calmly, lowered her head onto the soft fabric of the sofa, and did nothing.

Cozy as can be in her bed too, Benny Balazs,
This product has a number of practical and methodical uses, making it a lasting investment that outlives firework season. It works for just about any scenario where your pet’s anxiety level increases. I would highly recommend that dog or cat owners grab these fashionable and therapeutic ThunderShirts as soon as they can. This neat product can help turn your pet from a shriveling teeth-chattering mess to a docile and complacent fur ball. 
ThunderShirt for Dogs, Image from ThunderWorks

The ThunderShirt is designed to apply a constant, gentle pressure to a dog or cat's torso creating a dramatic calming effect for most users. ThunderShirt for Dogs is available in sizes XXS to XXL with a variety of color and design options. Available at as well as sold by retail stores, veterinarians, trainers and kennels across the U.S., suggested retail starts at $39.95. 
ThunderShirt for Cats, Image from ThunderWorks
The ThunderShirt for Cats is available in sizes S, M and L. Suggested retail is $39.95. Both products can be personalized with custom embroidery for an additional charge. 

For more information on how the ThunderWorks line of products can calm your pet visit the company's website as well as follow the brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

About the Author
Californian Benny Balazs comes from a Hungarian family on both sides and describes himself as a writer by day and a singer by night. Now a college student, he received his high school's top music award, was a member of an a cappella group, editor in chief of a student literary magazine and originated/wrote a newspaper column as well a school play. Following his passion for performing and literary arts, he hopes to join an a cappella group soon and aspires to write a book.

FTC Disclosure: ThunderWorks provided the ThunderShirt for Dogs to facilitate this review post. No other compensation or payment is associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.

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