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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Imagine a World With Early Childhood Education Access for Every Child #FindTheWords


Enter MBE's $100 Giftcard #FindtheWords Giveaway


As the school year begins, too many children are already falling behind. I am 1 of 30 bloggers helping #FindtheWords with @SavetheChildren to raise awareness of the need for early childhood education for all kids. I am participating in this social media campaign to highlight 30 words in 30 days -- to symbolize the 30 million fewer words that children from low-income homes hear by age 3.

Save the Children provides kids in need with access to books, essential learning support and a literacy-rich environment, setting them up for success in school and a brighter future. Learn more about Save the Children's work in the US and around the world.

My 4 kids in a family photo,

The Heart of the Matter

Early education has always been at the heart and soul of who I am, both when I was a child myself as well as eversince I became a parent. I simply cannot imagine where I would be or where my four kids (now teens ages 17 and 18) would be without having had the privilege of access to early education.

With such a passion for education and a love of books and learning myself as well as for my kids and every child on the planet regardless of where they live or their social economic status, I couldn't be more excited to be working on this special back to school #FindtheWords program Save The Children is orchestrating.
My youngest son was reading before age 3,

Today's Sobering Early Education Statistics

According to Save the Children
  • The first five years are so important to a child's development, shaping their cognitive, social and language skills that set them up early for a life of learning. In fact, evidence indicates 85% of brain growth occurs before the age of five.
  • By age three, there is already a huge difference in kids from low-income homes as they hear on average 30 million fewer words than their more fortunate peers. This puts these children 18 months cognitively behind those with more wealth by the time they start school.
  • Unfortunately 65% of little kids in needs have little or no access to books. More than 2/3 of households hit by poverty do not possess a single book that's appropriate for a child under age 5.
  • Studies prove that moms and dads who talk less with their kids in an engaging and supportive ways have children less likely to develop fully intellectually when compared with youth who have the opportunity to hear a signficant amount of child-directed speech.
  • Around the world, 171 million people would be lifted out of poverty simply if all students in low-come countries acquired basic reading skills.
The Solution

IMAGINE a world where the reality is early childhood education opportunities for every child. If you, I and every other mom can IMAGINE it, we can affect positive change that truly makes a difference. Simply put: Access to early childhood education can help us create the world we IMAGINE for all children.

When you see something inspired by the word IMAGINE in your everyday life out in the world, take a photo of it. Then tag it #FindtheWordsMBE on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram so I can share your visions!

Help spread the word...
MBE $100 Giftcard Giveaway

About Save The Children
Learn more about Save the Children and their work in the US and around the world by visiting the official site as well as by following the organization on Twitter and Facebook.

FTC Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation or payment in association with this post and opinions here are my own. However, Save the Children is providing the giftcard and shipping for the associated $100 Giftcard Giveaway MBE is hosting. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.


  1. making early childhood education accessible to all so important to ensure a safe and secure future of children

  2. Every child needs a good education to build a strong future for themselves!

  3. I am a teacher so I know the importance of educating all children. It helps to provide for a better future for all involved!

  4. It's important to me because I feel it's easier to learn the younger you are.
