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Friday, August 22, 2014

Back to School Theme Kids Crafts Creative DIY Fun for Home, School or Homeschool

Eco Crafts

All images in this post from PBS Parents

Whether your kids will be going off to traditional school or you homeschool, there's nothing like Back to School to get you thinking about fun things you can make together! 

Here is some GREAT creative inspiration from PBS Parents to get you started, all incorporating recyclable materials you'll already likely have at home.

Giant Pencil
This craft starts with an empty Pringles can roll. The finished product has multiple purposes your child could use as a pencil box, a treat container and more.

Milk Carton School Bus
All you need to make this is an empty 1/2 gallon milk carton, bottle caps, construction paper, hot glue gun, yellow paint and a few other items.

Pretty Homemade Paper
Here's a fun way to recycle paper to create something completely new: fancy stationery. In addition to some old paper, you'll need a picture frame and screen, some seeds, flowers, vegetables and food coloring and a few more easy to find ingredients.

For LOTS more Back to School theme art projects, visit the kids crafts section of 

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