Twitter Parties
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Master Twitter Party Calendar
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Master Twitter Chat Party Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. A new weekly Twitter Party Schedule is published every Sunday at 9 am ET.
Be sure to check back often during each week as new events are added on an ongoing basis -- often with new prize-winning opportunities added several times per day. You'll also get a sneak peek at Twitter parties coming up next week and in the month ahead. Now listing Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ parties with prizes too.
Most parties are for U.S. only, unless indicated otherwise. Look for highlights in pink for Twitter Parties where Canada residents are eligible for prizes.
Monday, March 17
Kleenex Style Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Crowdtappers @Kleenex. Prizes: $750 in Visa giftcards: TWO (2) $25 GCs, ONE (1) $50 GC, ONE (1) $75 GC, ONE (1) $100 GC, ONE (1) $200 GC, ONE (1) $250 GC. #Kleenexstyle RSVP
Frozen Fun Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Laughwithusblog @Ruralmoms @MommyTalkShow @Mudpiesandtiara @Jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #FrozenFun RSVP
Ettika Jewelry Arm Candy Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Ettika. Prizes: Beautiful Ettika bracelet arm candy. Participate in party w/ hashtag #EttikaArmParty Details
Weekly Traveling Moms Twitter Party at 8 pm ET this week chatting about Green Travel with @TravelingMoms and others. Prizes: TBA. #TMom RSVP
Bubble Week Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MomSpark @MomSparkMedia @GazillionBubble @Lomargie @amomsimpression @kasexton @momwithadotcom. Prizes: ONE (1) $25 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack, TWO (2) $50 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack and ONE (1) $75 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack. #BubbleWeek RSVP
Passover Chat Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @koshereye @primetimeparent @tinawasserman @libmancompany. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #Passoverchat Details
Tuesday, March 18
Pure Canada Maple Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Katlean @Wellconnectdmom @Sauerswald @MomsLA @YvonneinLA @Momfluential @BrettBMartin @MommyBlogExpert @PureCanadaMaple. Prizes: FOUR (4) prize packs that include $250 Amazon giftcard + Maple Syrup giftbasket. #NextPertFitMaple RSVP
Well at Walgreens Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Walgreens @blm03 @aleamilham @thedomesticexec @kristak2 @tsue1136. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #WellatWalgreens RSVP
White Cloud Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Valpakcoupons @HappyHousewife @Savings. Prizes: $200 in Walmart giftcards. #WhiteCloud RSVP
Better Clean FD Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Momcentral. Prizes: SEVEN (7) P&G prize packages that include product samples + $50 Family Dollar giftcard; ONE (1) Grand Prize winner receives P&G prize products + $250 Family Dollar giftcard. #BetterCleanFD Details
Natures Sleep Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @makobiscribe @makobimedia @naturessleep. Prize: TBA. #NaturesSleep RSVP
Amazon Mom & Rosie Pope Baby Twitter Party at 1:30 pm ET with @Amazon_Mom @RosiePope @MomTrends. Prizes: TBA. #AmazonxRP Details
Healthy Baby Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @SeventhGen. Prizes: TBA. For details watch hashtag #HealthyBaby
Life is Good Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @momsandbrands. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #lifeisgood #momsandbrands RSVP
Springing Smiles Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SunstarGUM @Simplybeingmom. Prizes: FOUR (4) Sunstar GUM dental prize packs and ONE (1) Grand Prize Sunstar GUM prize pack + $100 American Express giftcard. #springingsmiles RSVP
Disney Frozen Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SocialMoms @Crissy. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Frozen Bluray DVD combo packs. #DisneyFrozen RSVP
Tuck in Turn Off Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lorrianecladish @jeannettekaplun @couponmamacita. Prizes: SIX (6) prize packs that each include entire Sweet Dreams Collection + $100 Visa giftcard. #TuckinTurnOff Details
Rite Aid Suave Hair Innovations Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @resourcefulmom @suavebeauty. Prizes: TEN (10) $50 Amazon giftcards - BOTH U.S. & Canada Residents eligible to win prizes. #RiteAidSuaveHair RSVP
Spring Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @mommyswishlist @savewshellie @savingsmania @sawickis. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Amazon giftcards, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC and ONE (1) $100 Target GC. #SpringSavings Details
McDonald's GNO Tuesday Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @McDonalds @Momitforward and others. Prize: Soccer Theme Family Fun Pack ARV $50. #McDOneGoal RSVP
Wednesday, March 19
Women's Money Twitter Party at Noon ET with @TheDSEF @WomensMoney. Prizes: FIVE (5) $50 Visa giftcards. #womensmoney RSVP
Eureka Power Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @EurekaClean @Kellysluckyyou @formulamom @wicproject @eightymphmom @jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #EurekaPower RSVP
Spring at Kohls Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @MomCentral @Kohls. Prizes: SIX (6) $50 Kohls giftcards. #Springatkohls Details
WWE Slam City Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @WWEMoms @StephMcMahon. Prizes: Slam City Action Figure Set, an iPod Nano, and a Samsung Pocket Cam HMX-200. #WWEMoms RSVP
Springing Smiles Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @simplybeingmom @sunstargum. Prizes: FOUR (4) Sunstar GUM dental prize packages and ONE (1) Sunstar GUM prize pack + $100 American Express giftcard. #SpringingSmiles RSVP
Frozen Kidfresh Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @KidfreshFoods @TripleThreatMom @TheMamaMaven @MomalaMode. Prizes: FIVE (5) prize packs that each include $25 Amazon giftcard + product coupons; ONE (1) Grand Prize Kidfresh & Disney Prize Pack that includes the Bluray Frozen, Kidfresh branded lunchbox, branded reusable bag + 10 product coupons. #FrozenKidfresh RSVP
Frozen Chef Madness Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LifeofDad @EasyHomeMeals and others. Prizes: $50 Visa GC; Grand Prize $250 Visa GC. #FrozenChefMadness Details
Spring Snacking Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Produceforkids @Wellpictberries @Mealplanmom. Prizes: Grocery giftcards + a Wellpict Berries pack of goodes - TBA. #SpringSnacking RSVP
Used Everywhere Upcycling for the Garden Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @UsedEverywhere @CDNGardening and others. Prizes: TBA - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. #UsedParty RSVP
Infinite Deals Twitter Party with @BloggyMoms at 9 pm ET. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Visa giftcard. #InfiniteDeals RSVP
Aloe Health Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @lilyofthedesert @naturallysavvy @andreadonskyy. Prizes: THREE (3) Aloe Health prize packs valued at $40 ARV each. #AloeHealth Details
Thursday, March 20
Kobo Twitter Party at Noon ET with @PTPA @Kobo. Prizes: FIVE (5) Kobo Arc7 HDs. #KoboKids RSVP
Healthcare Clinic Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Walgreens @Blueviolet @Dentistmel @Aboutamom @Frugalgreenmama @Jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #HealthcareClinic RSVP
Centrum Flavor Burst Chews Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Smiley360. EIGHT (8) winners will receive a year's supply of Centrum Flavor Burst Vitamins. #CentrumFBChews RSVP
Spring Pets Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @CharlotteReed. Prizes: ONE (1) Epi-Pet Grooming Giftbasket, ONE (1) $25 Target giftcard, ONE (1) $25 Walmart giftcard. #SpringPets RSVP
Napkins 4 Emma Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Bounty @NapkinNotesDad @AudreyMcclellan @VeraSweeney. Prizes: SIX (6) winners will receive a free product coupon. #Napkins4Emma Details
SB 2014 Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @PGBeauty and others. Prizes: TBA. #SB14beauty Details
Britax Safety Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MomTalkRadio @Britax @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: TWO (2) Britax convertible carseats and TWO (2) Harness-2-Booster seats with Click Tight technology. #BRITAXSafety RSVP
Uniquely Lorna Jane Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @LornaJaneActive @Fitapproach. Prizes: ONE (1) $150 Lorna Jane shopping spree. #sweatpink #uniquelylj RSVP
Pom Fit and Fab Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @FitandFabLiving @PomWonderful. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #PomFitandFab Details
Mompreneur Conference Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TheMompreneurTM
@MompreneursConf @ArleneDickinson and others. Prizes: Over $1000 in prizes including THREE (3) full passes to Mompreneurs Conference 2014, ONE (1) 2-night stay Sheraton Toronto Airport and lots more - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. Participate in chat with hashtag #MOMPConf RSVP
Westgate Resorts Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @tasalinas @westgatetravel @lomargie @sbellasways @momstart. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 Visa giftcards; ONE (1) 3-night stay at Westgate Resort Location + $100 Visa giftcard . #WGEvents #WestgateResorts RSVP
Puritans Pride Men's Health Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Puritanspride @Mochadad and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) products prize packs valued at $50 each and ONE (1) product prize pack valued at $100. #PuritansPride RSVP
Sylvan Play Screen Time Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Techmama @Playgrounddad @SylvanLeaning. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 iTunes giftcards. #SylvanPlay Details
Mom Inspirations Gardening With Kids Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @cafeyak. Prizes: TBA. #Mominspirations RSVP
Rock Kindness Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Free_2_Luv. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #Free2Luv Details
Friday, March 21
Tommee Tippee Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @TommeeTippee_NA @Audreymcclellan. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #TommeeTippee
Party in a Jar Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @seevanessacraft @makeandtakes. Prizes: SEVEN (7) prizes from The Step 2 Company. #Partyinajar RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom and others chatting about mobile music. Prizes: Google Chromecast, Jawbone Mini JAMBOX Bluetooth Speaker, Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone. #VZWBuzz RSVP
HP Show and Tech at 3 pm EST with @MomTalkRadio and @MomSelectAmy. Prizes: TBA. Follow hashtag #HPShowandTech to participate in party
Kleenex Style Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Crowdtappers @Kleenex. Prizes: $750 in Visa giftcards: TWO (2) $25 GCs, ONE (1) $50 GC, ONE (1) $75 GC, ONE (1) $100 GC, ONE (1) $200 GC, ONE (1) $250 GC. #Kleenexstyle RSVP
Frozen Fun Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Laughwithusblog @Ruralmoms @MommyTalkShow @Mudpiesandtiara @Jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #FrozenFun RSVP
Ettika Jewelry Arm Candy Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Ettika. Prizes: Beautiful Ettika bracelet arm candy. Participate in party w/ hashtag #EttikaArmParty Details
Weekly Traveling Moms Twitter Party at 8 pm ET this week chatting about Green Travel with @TravelingMoms and others. Prizes: TBA. #TMom RSVP
Bubble Week Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MomSpark @MomSparkMedia @GazillionBubble @Lomargie @amomsimpression @kasexton @momwithadotcom. Prizes: ONE (1) $25 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack, TWO (2) $50 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack and ONE (1) $75 Gazillion Bubbles Prize Pack. #BubbleWeek RSVP
Passover Chat Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @koshereye @primetimeparent @tinawasserman @libmancompany. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #Passoverchat Details
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#FitMaple Twitter Party 3/18 1p ET, Image from |
Pure Canada Maple Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Katlean @Wellconnectdmom @Sauerswald @MomsLA @YvonneinLA @Momfluential @BrettBMartin @MommyBlogExpert @PureCanadaMaple. Prizes: FOUR (4) prize packs that include $250 Amazon giftcard + Maple Syrup giftbasket. #NextPertFitMaple RSVP
Well at Walgreens Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Walgreens @blm03 @aleamilham @thedomesticexec @kristak2 @tsue1136. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #WellatWalgreens RSVP
White Cloud Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Valpakcoupons @HappyHousewife @Savings. Prizes: $200 in Walmart giftcards. #WhiteCloud RSVP
Better Clean FD Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Momcentral. Prizes: SEVEN (7) P&G prize packages that include product samples + $50 Family Dollar giftcard; ONE (1) Grand Prize winner receives P&G prize products + $250 Family Dollar giftcard. #BetterCleanFD Details
Natures Sleep Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @makobiscribe @makobimedia @naturessleep. Prize: TBA. #NaturesSleep RSVP
Amazon Mom & Rosie Pope Baby Twitter Party at 1:30 pm ET with @Amazon_Mom @RosiePope @MomTrends. Prizes: TBA. #AmazonxRP Details
Healthy Baby Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @SeventhGen. Prizes: TBA. For details watch hashtag #HealthyBaby
Life is Good Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @momsandbrands. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #lifeisgood #momsandbrands RSVP
Springing Smiles Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SunstarGUM @Simplybeingmom. Prizes: FOUR (4) Sunstar GUM dental prize packs and ONE (1) Grand Prize Sunstar GUM prize pack + $100 American Express giftcard. #springingsmiles RSVP
Disney Frozen Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SocialMoms @Crissy. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Frozen Bluray DVD combo packs. #DisneyFrozen RSVP
Tuck in Turn Off Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @lorrianecladish @jeannettekaplun @couponmamacita. Prizes: SIX (6) prize packs that each include entire Sweet Dreams Collection + $100 Visa giftcard. #TuckinTurnOff Details
Rite Aid Suave Hair Innovations Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @resourcefulmom @suavebeauty. Prizes: TEN (10) $50 Amazon giftcards - BOTH U.S. & Canada Residents eligible to win prizes. #RiteAidSuaveHair RSVP
Spring Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @mommyswishlist @savewshellie @savingsmania @sawickis. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Amazon giftcards, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC and ONE (1) $100 Target GC. #SpringSavings Details
McDonald's GNO Tuesday Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @McDonalds @Momitforward and others. Prize: Soccer Theme Family Fun Pack ARV $50. #McDOneGoal RSVP
Wednesday, March 19
Women's Money Twitter Party at Noon ET with @TheDSEF @WomensMoney. Prizes: FIVE (5) $50 Visa giftcards. #womensmoney RSVP
Eureka Power Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @EurekaClean @Kellysluckyyou @formulamom @wicproject @eightymphmom @jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #EurekaPower RSVP
Spring at Kohls Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @MomCentral @Kohls. Prizes: SIX (6) $50 Kohls giftcards. #Springatkohls Details
WWE Slam City Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @WWEMoms @StephMcMahon. Prizes: Slam City Action Figure Set, an iPod Nano, and a Samsung Pocket Cam HMX-200. #WWEMoms RSVP
Springing Smiles Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @simplybeingmom @sunstargum. Prizes: FOUR (4) Sunstar GUM dental prize packages and ONE (1) Sunstar GUM prize pack + $100 American Express giftcard. #SpringingSmiles RSVP
Frozen Kidfresh Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @KidfreshFoods @TripleThreatMom @TheMamaMaven @MomalaMode. Prizes: FIVE (5) prize packs that each include $25 Amazon giftcard + product coupons; ONE (1) Grand Prize Kidfresh & Disney Prize Pack that includes the Bluray Frozen, Kidfresh branded lunchbox, branded reusable bag + 10 product coupons. #FrozenKidfresh RSVP
Frozen Chef Madness Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LifeofDad @EasyHomeMeals and others. Prizes: $50 Visa GC; Grand Prize $250 Visa GC. #FrozenChefMadness Details
Spring Snacking Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Produceforkids @Wellpictberries @Mealplanmom. Prizes: Grocery giftcards + a Wellpict Berries pack of goodes - TBA. #SpringSnacking RSVP
Used Everywhere Upcycling for the Garden Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @UsedEverywhere @CDNGardening and others. Prizes: TBA - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. #UsedParty RSVP
Infinite Deals Twitter Party with @BloggyMoms at 9 pm ET. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Visa giftcard. #InfiniteDeals RSVP
Aloe Health Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @lilyofthedesert @naturallysavvy @andreadonskyy. Prizes: THREE (3) Aloe Health prize packs valued at $40 ARV each. #AloeHealth Details
Thursday, March 20
Kobo Twitter Party at Noon ET with @PTPA @Kobo. Prizes: FIVE (5) Kobo Arc7 HDs. #KoboKids RSVP
Healthcare Clinic Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Walgreens @Blueviolet @Dentistmel @Aboutamom @Frugalgreenmama @Jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #HealthcareClinic RSVP
Centrum Flavor Burst Chews Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Smiley360. EIGHT (8) winners will receive a year's supply of Centrum Flavor Burst Vitamins. #CentrumFBChews RSVP
Spring Pets Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @CharlotteReed. Prizes: ONE (1) Epi-Pet Grooming Giftbasket, ONE (1) $25 Target giftcard, ONE (1) $25 Walmart giftcard. #SpringPets RSVP
Napkins 4 Emma Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Bounty @NapkinNotesDad @AudreyMcclellan @VeraSweeney. Prizes: SIX (6) winners will receive a free product coupon. #Napkins4Emma Details
SB 2014 Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @PGBeauty and others. Prizes: TBA. #SB14beauty Details
Britax Safety Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MomTalkRadio @Britax @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: TWO (2) Britax convertible carseats and TWO (2) Harness-2-Booster seats with Click Tight technology. #BRITAXSafety RSVP
Uniquely Lorna Jane Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @LornaJaneActive @Fitapproach. Prizes: ONE (1) $150 Lorna Jane shopping spree. #sweatpink #uniquelylj RSVP
Pom Fit and Fab Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @FitandFabLiving @PomWonderful. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #PomFitandFab Details
Mompreneur Conference Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TheMompreneurTM
@MompreneursConf @ArleneDickinson and others. Prizes: Over $1000 in prizes including THREE (3) full passes to Mompreneurs Conference 2014, ONE (1) 2-night stay Sheraton Toronto Airport and lots more - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. Participate in chat with hashtag #MOMPConf RSVP
Westgate Resorts Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @tasalinas @westgatetravel @lomargie @sbellasways @momstart. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 Visa giftcards; ONE (1) 3-night stay at Westgate Resort Location + $100 Visa giftcard . #WGEvents #WestgateResorts RSVP
Puritans Pride Men's Health Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Puritanspride @Mochadad and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) products prize packs valued at $50 each and ONE (1) product prize pack valued at $100. #PuritansPride RSVP
Sylvan Play Screen Time Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Techmama @Playgrounddad @SylvanLeaning. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 iTunes giftcards. #SylvanPlay Details
Mom Inspirations Gardening With Kids Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @cafeyak. Prizes: TBA. #Mominspirations RSVP
Rock Kindness Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Free_2_Luv. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #Free2Luv Details
Friday, March 21
Tommee Tippee Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @TommeeTippee_NA @Audreymcclellan. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #TommeeTippee
Party in a Jar Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @seevanessacraft @makeandtakes. Prizes: SEVEN (7) prizes from The Step 2 Company. #Partyinajar RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom and others chatting about mobile music. Prizes: Google Chromecast, Jawbone Mini JAMBOX Bluetooth Speaker, Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone. #VZWBuzz RSVP
HP Show and Tech at 3 pm EST with @MomTalkRadio and @MomSelectAmy. Prizes: TBA. Follow hashtag #HPShowandTech to participate in party
Monday, March 24
Bravado Designs Little Victories Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @Bravadodesigns. Prizes: TWO (2) winners receive Body Silk Seamless nursing bra + Medela breastfeeding accessory kit, TWO (2) winners receive Essential Embrace nursing bra + Medela breastfeeding accessory kit - BOTH U.S. & Canada Residents eligible to win prizes. #LittleVictories RSVP
Zerona Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @YMCBuzz @ZeronaCanada. Prizes: THREE (3) Zerona body sculpting treatment package prizes, one each valued at $5000, $4200 and $2800 - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. #YMCGetLean RSVP
Traveling Moms Family Road Trips Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms and others. Prizes: TBA #TMom RSVP
Tuesday, March 25
Herbal Essences Get Naked Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @HerbalEssences @Momitforward and others. Prize: ONE (1) $50 Walmart giftcard. #GetNaked #GNO RSVP
Blooming Bath Babies Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Nestedbean @Bloomingbath. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #CozyBabies Details
Feel Better Faster Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @HowIPinchaPenny @4hatsandfrugal @MlouArnett @Zicam. Prizes: THREE (3) Zicam prize packages, ONE (1) $50 giftcard. #FeelBetterFaster RSVP
Clorox Spring Cleaning Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @Clorox. Prizes: FOUR (4) prize packs that includes products, swag + $50 Walmart giftcard - total ARV $100 each; ONE (1) Grand Prize pack including products, swag + $250 Walmart GC - total ARV $300. #SpringCleaning14 RSVP
Gain Musica Para Tu Nariz Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @GainLatino @Jollymom @Latinamomblogs and others. Prizes: TWO (2) winners each receive a year's worth of Gain ARV $130, TWO (2) winners each receive a year's worth of Gain ARV $130 + $50 iTunes giftcard. #Musicaparatunariz RSVP
Family Travel Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FamilyTravelCA @Listen2Lena @FeistyFrugal and others. Prizes: SIX (6) pairs of Sketchers Memory Foam Shoes - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes.#FamilyTravelCA RSVP
Beat Anxiety Naturally Twitter Party 9 to 10:30 pm ET with @BookieBoo @1HourBreak and others. Prizes: TWELVE (12) assorted prize packages that include products with giftcards such as $25 Amazon GC, $100 Nike GC and more. #BeatAnxiety RSVP
Wednesday, March 26
Celebrate Mom Twitter Party at 2 to 2:30 pm ET with @mompact @momsflourish @coastiewife321. Prizes: More than $100 in prizes for moms and baby. #CelebrateMom RSVP
Fellowes Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FellowesCanada @Listen2Lena. Prizes: TBA - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. Watch hashtag for more details soon #FellowesProtects
Rio 2 Live Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LatinoMarketing @Jollymom @LatinaMomBlogs and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) Rio 2 theme prize packs ranging in value from $11.99 to $275. #Rio2LiveChat RSVP
Thursday, March 27
This is Style Twitter Party at Noon ET with @SearsStyle @Blueviolet @KristaK2 @Dentistmel @Amomsimpression @jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Style Sears giftcards. #ThisisStyle RSVP
Fun Kids Eats Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @itsmomtastic @linetteg @thenaptimechef. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 Target giftcards and ONE (1) $200 Target giftcard. #FunKidsEats RSVP
Connected By OnStar Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @SocialMoms @OnStar @Stockpilingmoms. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 giftcards. #ConnectedByOnStar RSVP
PG Best for Me Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Shespeaksup @PGEveryday @CVSBeautyClub and others. Prizes: P&G party packs filled with Cover Girl, Secret, Crest, Old Spice and Mr. Clean products. #PGBestforme RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom and others. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
Fix Your Pet Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @OntarioSPCA. Prizes: TWO (2) Ontario SPCA swag bags. Participate in party with hashtag #Fixyourpet Details
Chicken Super Food Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @ChickenFarmers. Prizes: $500 in Prizes - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. #ChickenSuperfood Details
Hockey Mom Canada Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Kidsumers and others. Prizes: EIGHT (8) Hockey Mom Survival Kits ARV $40 plus Grand Prizes TBA soon - Canada Residents only eligible to win prizes. Watch hashtag #HockeyMomCA RSVP
Monday, March 31
New Favorites Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @NestleUSA @Therebelchick @Dawnchats and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #NewFavorites RSVP
Tuesday, April 1
Natures Sleep Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Makobiscribe. Prizes: TBA. Watch hashtag #NaturesSleep for more info soon Details
Abbey Post Custom Dress Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @abbey_post. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 Sephora giftcards and ONE (1) custom made dress ARV $185. #CustomDress RSVP
Thursday, April 3
Skincare and Anti-Aging 101 RoC Academy Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @coopermunroe @emilymckhann @themotherhood25 @themotherhood. Prizes: FIVE (5) prize packs of RoC Skincare products each valued at $100. #ROCAcademy RSVP
Tuesday, April 8
Pampers Gentle Clean Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @DoubleDutyDivas @RamblingChick and others. Prizes: FIVE (5) prize packages ranging from a box of wipes to product + giftcard to product + Roomba Pet and Allergy ARV $750. #PampersWipes RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar.
Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Master Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. I disclose I am being compensated as a party panelist for this week's Pure Canada Maple #FitMaple on 3/18. I did not receive any other payment or compensation associated with any other party on this calendar. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one
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