Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Disney Mary Poppins 50th Anniversary


Blu-ray Combo Review, Giveaway

As a Baby Boomer, I couldn't be more excited to announce the release today of Walt Disney's Mary Poppins restored and remastered 2-Disc 50th Anniversary Edition. This is the first time ever that a Blu-ray combo pack and digital HD copy of this title are being offered to fans of all ages.

Dick Van Dyke as Bert the Chimney Sweeper

To celebrate, I invite you to reminisce with me about what makes this rare G-rated movie so special and why it still appeals across the generations five decades after it's original big screen theatrical release. 

Few family classic films are closer to my heart than Mary Poppins, the first picture I ever saw as a child at a movie theater. This was back in 1964, just about 50 years ago, when I was in third grade. 

Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins

Back in the day there were no such things as computers, videos, DVDs, Digital Downloads On Demand and -- with the exception of TV -- all the other entertainment technologies we enjoy today. As I recall, theater tickets for kids were 50 cents which seemed like a lot of money to me at the time, considering going to the movies cost ten times the price of a 5-cent full-size candy bar!

Over the years I've never stopped loving this movie. The music from Mary Poppins, especially, resonates with me. Come to think of it, I distinctly remember singing most of the songs from the musical score again and again, at various times while growing up.

For example, I used to sing Feed the Birds when scattering bread crumbs at our local duck pond. A Spoon Full of Sugar is another tune I used to rely on to get psyched up before swallowing some awful-tasting cough syrup my mom or dad was about to give me. I even remember as an elementary student, running through the leaves on my way to school in the fall, kicking the foilage while belting out Chim Chim Cher-ee. And, I'll never forget singing that tongue twister of a song Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with my friends to see which one of us could sing it the fastest with no mistakes.

When I finally became a mom of four kids within a year, including triplets, I was determined to share my love for this classic with my own children. So, I would often show the Mary Poppins video we owned with our old-school VCR. As I remember it, whenever this film was on, they seemed to enjoy it as much as I did when I was their age, particularly the singing and dance routines. I wouldn't be surprised if my children did the same thing when they eventually have kids of their own one day.

As one of a select group of mom bloggers that was chosen by SocialMoms to review Mary Poppins, I was privileged to receive an advance copy of the new Blu-ray combo pack that was just released. Everything I remember from the original feature film on the big screen is included on the new edition, but since these were restored and remastered by Disney, the colors are more vivid and the action more fluid and crystal clear than ever before. 

There are even a generous offering of extras included. My two personal fave bonus features are the reunion of the original stars Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke and legendary composer Richard Sherman and The Making of Mary PoppinsDisney Mary Poppins 50th Anniversary Blu-ray DVD Combo + Digital Copy is widely available online and instore. Suggested list price is $39.99.

Disney Mary Poppins 50th Anniversary 
Blu-ray DVD Combo

Ends 12/20/13
Disney Mary Poppins 50th Anniversary Edition

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FTC Disclosure:  This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Disney Mary Poppins blogging program. However, opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. In addition to payment, SocialMoms and Disney provided me with the featured Blu-ray DVD combo for this review. Social Moms is administering the giveaway and is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping of giveaway prizes. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.