Twitter Parties
Constant Updates, Keep Checking Back + Sneak Peek at Future Weeks!
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Twitter Party Master Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. Be sure to check back often every week as new events are added on an ongoing basis -- often with new prize-winning opportunities added several times per day. You'll also get a sneak peek at Twitter parties coming up next week and in the month ahead. Now listing Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ parties with prizes too.

Be the first to know when the latest Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party schedule goes live by following MBE on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and/or subscribe now.
Most parties are for U.S. Only, unless indicated otherwise highlighted in pink
My Pick N Save Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Kellysluckyyou @Blueviolet @PickNSaveStores. Prizes: ONE (1) pair of 11/24 Green Bay Packers vs Vikings Football Game tickets ARV $250 each; THREE (3) $100 PickNSave giftcards. #MyPickNSave RSVP
KV Holiday Tech Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @KidzVuz @dadarocks @selfishmom @tarametblog @beccasara @Hip2Housewife. Prizes: Galaxy 3 Tab Kids & Amazon giftcards. #KVHoliday Details
Treat Holiday Cheer Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @TreatCards. Prizes: FIVE (5) $50 Amazon giftcards, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC, ONE (1) $250 Amazon GC, ONE (1) Grand Prizes $500 Amazon GC. #TreatCheer RSVP
Nerf Rebelle Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @MomSpark @MomSparkMedia @MamaDweeb and others. Prizes: TWO (2) Nerf Rebelle Heartbreaker Bows, ONE (1) Nerf Rebelle Guardian Crossbow and ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes Nerf Rebelle Rebelle Heartbreaker Bow, Nerf Rebelle Guardian Crossbow and Nerf Rebelle Pink Crush #NerfRebelle RSVP
Zylie the Bear Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @zyliethebear @joeyfortman @thestephglover. Prizes: THREE (3) Zylie Bears. #ZylietheBear RSVP
Hasbro Transformers Construct Bots Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Momitforward @HasbroNews and others. Prize: ONE (1) Transformers Construct-Bots prize pack from Hasbro ARV $50. #gno #constructbots RSVP
The Gifter Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @TJMaxx @Marshalls @HomeGoods @jeanniemai @MichelleMadhok. Prizes: TBA. For more info watch hashtag #TheGifter
Friends Giving Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @ResourcefulMom @Butterball @Woodbridge_Wine. Prizes: FIVE (5) winners each receive a $20 Butterball Turkey gift check, $50 American Express giftcard and a Woodbridge branded wine corkscrew. #FriendsGiving RSVP
My Marianos Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sweeptight @dawnchats @marianosmarket. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 My Marianos giftcards. #MyMarianos RSVP
Coping with Family at the Holidays Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @DebMomof3 @CindyRichards. Prizes subject to availability. #TMOM RSVP
Tuesday, November 19
Plan Ahead Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @DawnChats @sweeptight @Msmissy62 @Blueviolet. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #PlanAhead RSVP
Febreze Holiday Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Febreze_Fresh @LisaSamples @Zipporahs and others. Prizes: Walmart giftcards, ONE (1) iPad. #FebrezeHoliday RSVP
Blame Mucus Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Smiley360 @Mucinex. Prizes: SIX (6) winners will each receive a Mucinex travel mug, throw blanket and $25 giftcard. #BlameMucus RSVP
Kmart Layaway Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Kmart @KmartDeals. Prizes: TBA. #KmartLayaway RSVP
Maytag Dependable Leader Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Momcentral @MaytagBrand. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $50 Amazon giftcodes. #DependableLeader Details
Hallmark Card Rewards Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @VeraSweeney @AudreyMcClellan. Prizes: FOUR (4) $150 giftcards. Participate with hashtag #HallmarkCardRewards and follow hosts Details
Win Chat at 3 pm ET with @Lenovo @KristinaLibby @WindowsBlog @Windows. Prize: Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. #WinChat Details
Fresh Finds Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @RobynsWorld @miscfinds4u @savemart. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Savemart giftcards. #FreshFinds RSVP
Disney Planes Bluray at 7 pm ET with @SocialMoms @DisneyPictures. Prizes: THIRTY (30) Disney Planes Blu-ray Combo Packs. #DisneyPlanesBluray RSVP
My Milk My Plate Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Kitchen_Play. Prizes: TBA. #MyMilkMyPlate RSVP
Verizon Tech the Halls Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @DelightfulToni @VZWLaura. Prizes: #TechtheHalls Prizes: ONE (1) FitBit, ONE (1) Ravensberger puzzle, ONE (1) Nokia FatBoy Charging Pillow. RSVP
Genworth Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MomSpark @MomSparkMedia @GenofSavings and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) winners will receive a spa package plus either a $25, $50, $100 or $200 Amazon giftcard. #Genworth RSVP
Fresh Festive Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Stemilt @Coryannettiene @FarmGirlGourmet @Todaysnest @Dreamaboutfood @HipFoodieMom1. Prizes: $250 in Visa giftcards. #FreshFestive Details
CVS Total Home Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @forthemommas. Prizes: CVS giftcard & Total Home gift packs. #TotallyCovered Details
Cookie Egg Change Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Burnbraefarms @Thislilpiglet @Soberjulie @SimplyStacienet and others. Prizes: Great prizes including a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #CookieEggChange RSVP
Holiday Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @bargainblessing @prettyfrugal @savings @savingsclasses and others. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Saks giftcard, ONE (1) Mailpix Personalized Tapestry ARV $130, ONE (1) $100 Target GC, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC and TWO (2) $25 Amazon GCs. #HolidaySavings RSVP
Dandy Fresh Produce Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @momitforward @dandy_fresh and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Williams Sonoma giftcards. #gno #FreshHoliday RSVP
Stop Marketing Fast Food to Kids Twitter Party 9-10:30 pm ET with @bookieboo @way2gomom @stopcorpabuse and others. Prizes: THREE (3) Boiron First Aid Bags, FOUR (4) ProBar gift packs, FOUR (4) Lisa Johnson Pilates DVDs and THREE (3) Earth Friendly Products gift baskets. #MomsNotLovinIt RSVP
Wednesday, November 20
YouthH2O Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @vitaminshoppe @youthh2O @feliciaromero.
Prize package giveaway valued at $65 every 15 minutes that includes 1 month supply YouthH2O, $25 Vitamin Shoppe giftcard and VS t-shirt. Participate in party with hashtag #YouthH2O RSVP
Kraft Essentials Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Kellysluckyyou @Laughwithusblog. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #KraftEssentials RSVP
AAA Holiday Travel Safety Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @AAASafety @HarperChildrens @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: TEN (10) winners will each receive a Harper Collins Childrens Books prize pack; ONE (1) Grand Prize Kindle Fire HD Tablet. #TravelingWithKids RSVP
Time to Play Live Weekly Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @TimetoPlay. Prizes: NINE (9) Air Huntress Z-Curve Bows; ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes Air Huntress Z-Curve Bow, Air Hunterz Z-Tek Crossbow, Air Storm Z-Curve Bow, Sky Ripperz and Zoom Rocketz - Both U.S. and Canada residents eligible for prizes. #TimetoPlayLive Details
Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @momcentral @switchtoturkey. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $50 Amazon giftcards. Participate in party w/ hashtag #OvenReady Details
Curl Secret Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @BJonesStyle @Conair_Curl. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #CurlSecret Details
Nivea Extended Moisture Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @BeautyUnbiased @NiveaUSA. Prizes: 48 hour Nivea Extended MoistureLotion. Participate in party with hashtag #ExtendedMoisture Details
Baby's First Christmas Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Momconfessional @Babiesrus. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Babies R Us giftcards, TWO (2) $100 Babies R Us GCs and ONE (1) $200 Babies R Us GC. #BRUChristmas Details
Rug Doctor Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @RugDoctor @SippyCupMom. Prizes: FOR (4) Rug Doctor cleaning kit prize packs, TWO (2) Rug Doctor cleaning kit + $25 Visa giftcard, ONE (1) $50 Visa GC and ONE (1) $150 Visa GC. #HolidayHotline RSVP
Sheaffer Holiday Living Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Sheaffer_Page. Prizes: TWO (2) prize packs that each include a Sheaffer Segaris Pen & $50 Visa giftcard. #SheafferLiving Details
Healthy Thanksgiving Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @ProduceMom. Prizes: Delicious prizes from the many healthy food party sponsors. Participate in party with hashtag #HealthyThanksgiving Details
Sunmaid Brunch Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @RaisinBreadCA @mommykatandkids @momvstheboys @mommymomentblog @kathybuckworth. Prizes: ELEVEN (11) prizes including SunMaid products, Visa giftcards and a Grand Prize of a SunMaid Brunch Starter Kit - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #SunmaidBrunch RSVP
My Girls Dollhouse Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Truthfulmommy @GoodToyCom. Grand Prize: My Girls Dollhouse ARV $399. #MyGirlsDollhouse RSVP
Hasbro Family Game Night Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @HasbroGameNight @RaisingHappines @MomitForward and others. Prize: Grand Prize is a prize pack including Monopoly, Scrabble and Game of LIFE. #gno #gamenight RSVP
Shopping Moments Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @Savvysassymoms @Bernthis @SanDiegoMomma @TwoFunnyBrains. Prizes: TWO (1) $50 Visa giftcards, TWO (2) $100 Visa GCs, ONE (1) $100 eBay GC. #ShoppingMoments RSVP
Thursday, November 21
Lancome Dream Tone Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @LancomeUSA @LisaSamples @Zipporahs @SuuperG and others. Prizes: Individual prizes include bottles of Lancome's new DreamTone ($98 value); Grand Prize is DreamTone product + $200 giftcard. #DreamTone RSVP
America's Tea Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @WicProject @TurningClockBac @bigelowtea. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #AmericasTea RSVP
Mobile Health Manager Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @TheMotherhood @TheMotherhood25 @Coopermunroe @EmilyMcKhann and others. Prizes: Prize packages each include a $50 Visa giftcard and a Vera Bradley pill case. #Care4Today RSVP
Juicy Bird Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Smiley360 @KikkomanKitchen. Prizes: EIGHT (8) Kikkoman prize packages. #JuicyBird RSVP
Cardstore Top of the Mantel Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @MomCentral. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $50 Giftcodes. Participate in party with hashtag #TopoftheMantel Details
Mastercard Holiday Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Mastercard @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 Mastercard giftcards; ONE (1) $200 Mastercard GC. #MastertheSeason RSVP
Rainforest Alliance Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @RnfrstAlliance @VegTimes and others. Prizes: Prize package includes chocolate, tea, t-shirt, cookbook and more. #feastchat Details
Always Fresh Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SocialMoms @She_Scribes @Always. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 Amazon giftcards; THREE (3) Grand Prizes of a Makeup Bag filled w/ products ARV $100. #AlwaysFresh RSVP
Pet Prep for Holidays Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @LovingPetsCorp @CharlotteReed. Prizes: ONE (1) $25 Target giftcard, ONE (1) $25 Walmart giftcard as well as multiple cat and dog pet products #Petprep4holidays RSVP
Disney Planes Dad Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Howtobeadad @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: FIFTEEN (15) Planes Bluray Combo Packs. #DisneyPlanesDad RSVP
House Party Holidays Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Housepartyfun. Prizes: From Dietz & Watson, Amazon giftcards, House Park SWAG and more. #HPHolidays RSVP
Delivery Man Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @momstart. Prizes: TBA. Watch hashtag for more info #deliverymanevent RSVP
Holiday Challenge Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @foodrushtv @chefryanscott @worldmarket @snapconf. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packages that each include Food Rush apron signed by Chef Ryan Scott and a $25 Cost Plus World Market giftcard. #HolidayChallenge RSVP
Better Sleep Council Twitter Party at 8:30 to 10 pm ET with @momspark @momsparkmedia @BetterSleepOrg @PowerSleep @MaryHelenSleeps. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 Amazon giftcards and ONE (1) $125 Amazon GC. #BetterSleep RSVP
Mother Funny Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @7onashoestring @DentistMel @TheRebelChick @Mudpiesandtiara @NickMom. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Visa giftcards and NickMom tote bag for each winner. #MotherFunny RSVP
Pure Wander Weekly Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @PureWander. Prize: TBA. #PureWander RSVP
No Stress November Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @PuritansPride @MomSpark @Mochadad @Daniellesmithtv @Zipporahs. Prizes: FOUR (4) prize packs of Puritans Pride health supplements. #PuritansPride Details
Girls Night Out Goodyear Tires Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Goodyearblimp @Momitforward and others. Prizes: TEN (10) $50 giftcards to help get your car ready for winter and ONE (1) set of four premium Goodyear Tires ARV $1000. #gno #Goodyear RSVP
Light Up Your Child's Creativity Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @momfluential @hollywoodhotmom @selfishmom @audreymcclellan @LightUpLinks and others. Prizes: Light Up Links Playsets and Visa giftcards. #WaytoGlow #LightUpLinks RSVP
Festive Flavors Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @ProduceforKids @WeeklyBite @CrunchPak. Prizes: Grocery store giftcards & prizes from Crunch Pak. #FestiveFlavors RSVP
Moms LA Holiday Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TimetoPlay @MomsLA @SAuerswald @YvonneinLA. Prizes: Great toy prizes. #MomsLAHoliday RSVP
Huggies Mummy Mentors Twitter Party 9-9:30 pm ET with @YMCBuzz. Prizes: ONE (1) prize package that includes a diaper bag filled with Huggies products + $50 Walmart giftcard - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #MummyMentors Details
Friday, November 22
Scent Savings Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @jmanmillerbug @thedomesticexec. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ScentSavings RSVP
Bitcasa Gobble Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @MomBloggersClub @Bitcasa. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 giftcards. #BitcasaGobble RSVP
Weekly Verizon Insider Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom @robynsworld @thetechdad @verizoninsider. Huge List of Prizes Today: Droid Maxx by Motorola + $100 Gift Card, Jawbone Mini JAMBOX, Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband, Griffin Moto TC Rally, Belkin NetCam HD Wi-Fi Camera, Verizon Ellipsis 7 Tablet,
Verizon 4G LTE Broadband Router with Voice #VZWBuzz RSVP
Kids Holiday Toys Twitter Party at 8 to 8:30 pm ET with @sofamilyonline @thirtymommy. Prizes: TWO (2) 16' Skullduggery Tracer Racer Sets. #HolidayTracerRacer RSVP
Figuring Out 40 Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @MommyTalkShow. Prizes: ONE (1) $10 Starbucks Gift Card, ONE (1) Business Idea Guide for Moms eBook $12 val, Freakin Fabulous on a Budget book $20 val, ONE (1) skin and hair supply products, vitamins & CVS Minute Clinic bag $30 val. #FiguringOut40 RSVP
New parties are constantly being added to this list as soon as they're scheduled. So stay tuned for updates as they happen by subscribing to MommyBlogExpert.
Sunday, November 24
Companero Perfecto Coffee-Mate Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LasGringasBlog @Coffee_Mate. Prizes: Great prizes including $50 restaurant giftcards. #CompaneroPerfecto RSVP
Monday, November 25
Give Extra Gum Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @dentistmel @formulamom @blm03 @blueviolet. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #GiveExtraGum RSVP
The Ultimate Thanksgiving Twitter Party at 6 pm ET with @GoodCookCom @TheFrugalMom. Prizes: FIVE HUNDRED (500) Turkey Lifters for the first to RSVP, plus THREE Thanksgiving gift baskets ARV $200 each will be given away at this party. #ThanksgivingTips RSVP
Talk Turkey Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SunstarGUM @TammyGoldCoach @TheShoppingMama. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 American Express giftcards; ONE (1) Grand Prize $500 American Express GC #TalkTurkey Details
Black Friday Target Canada Twitter Party at 8:45 to 10 pm ET with @TargetCanada @ShesConnected. Prizes: Tons of prizes including TWO (2) KitchenAid Stand Mixers, TEN (10) Ugly Sweater Furbys, FIVE (5) Infinity Pro by Conair Curl Secret, TWO (2) Beats by Dr. Dre UR Earbuds, FIVE (5) Sonya Kashuk 10-piece makeup brush sets + more - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #MyKindofHoliday #BlackFriday RSVP
Winter Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @DebMomof3 @CindyRichards. Prizes: Hunter boots and Hunter umbrella. #TMOM RSVP
Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @DebMomof3 @CindyRichards. Prizes subject to availability. #TMOM RSVP
Family Mobile Cheer at 9 pm ET with @7onashoestring @Therebelchick @SavvyMomNYC @Ruralmoms. Prizes: THREE (3) Walmart Family Mobile Prize Packs that include a Concord phone, starter kit and $100 Walmart giftcard; THREE (3) $50 Walmart GCs. #FamilyMobileCheer RSVP
Aging in Place Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @safetymom. Prizes: THREE (3) $25 Amazon Giftcards. #AginginPlace Details
St. Jude ThanksandGiving Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Target @Bestbuy @LOFT @HSN @StJude @Momfluential and others. Prizes: Target Bullseye Plush, LOFT Giftcards (2 winners), BestBuy GC, HSN Ornament, HSN GC. #ThanksandGiving RSVP
Tuesday, November 26
Fragrance Net Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @fragrancenet. Prizes: Fragrance, beauty products and $100 Fragrance Net giftcard. #FragranceNet #FNetTip RSVP
eBay Follow It Find It Twitter Party with @SocialMoms @eBay at 7 pm ET. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 eBay giftcards. #FollowitFindit RSVP
Watts Up Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @LightkeeperPro. Prizes: FIVE (5) Ultra-Lit Lightkeeper Pro winners; ONE (1) Grand Prize Ultra-Lit Lightkeeper Pro + $100 giftcard. #WattsUp RSVP
MMB Stacks Black Friday Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @MomsMilkBtque. Prizes: Tons of prizes for new moms, babies and kids. #MMBStacks RSVP
Mom Travel Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FamiliesGo @CoolMomBuzz. $350 in Prizes: Maxi-Cosi Booster Seat ARV $250, B. Box Feeding on the Go Gear ARV $65, Free Like Birdie Weekender Tote ARV $45. #MOMtravelchat RSVP
Wednesday, November 27
Ore Ida Hash Brown Twitter Party 11 am ET. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart Giftcards. #OreIdaHashBrn More Deets Soon
Cascade Clean Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @chefmichaelsmith. Prizes: TBA. #CascadeClean RSVP
Brother P-Touch Labelling Matters Twitter Party at 8:30 to 9 pm ET with @ShesConnected @BrotherCanada @HellenButtigieg. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize Business Smart Printer; TWENTY FIVE (25) P-Touch Label Makers; TEN (10) $25 Staples Gift Cards Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #LabellingMatters RSVP
Thursday, November 28
Happy Thanksgiving
Airmiles Black Friday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Listen2Lena @Feistyfrugal @Childmode. Prizes: SIX (6) prizes from AirMiles - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #airmilesshops RSVP
Friday, November 29
Bark Friday Twitter Party at Noon-1:30 pm ET with @ZukesPets @AllThingsDog @DogTipper @EventBarkers @ToDogWithLove @5MinutesforFido. $1000+ in Prizes: TEN (10) doggie prize packages valued at approx $100 each. Participate in party w/ hashtag #FueltheLove #BarkFriday. RSVP
Weekly Verizon Insider Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
So Fawned Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sofawned @childmode. Prizes: Gifts from the Holiday Gift Guide - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #SoFawnedGuide RSVP
Wednesday, December 3
Random House Children's Holiday Reading Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Socialmoms @RandomHouseKids. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 giftcards; ONE (1) Grand Prize Random House age-appropriate book set. #HolidayReading RSVP
Thursday, December 4
Huggies Mummy Mentors Twitter Party 9-9:30 pm ET with @YMCBuzz. Prizes: ONE (1) prize package that includes a diaper bag filled with Huggies products + $50 Walmart giftcard - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #MummyMentors Details
Friday, December 5
Pampers Swaddlers Firsts Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @SwaddlersFirsts. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packs each valued at $250 each including products, baby toys and other gifts, $50 Shutterfly giftcard and more. ONE (1) Grand Prize Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR, ARV $450. RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment associated with this post, except where it is noted that I am involved in a party as a host or panelist and am being compensated. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
Companero Perfecto Coffee-Mate Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LasGringasBlog @Coffee_Mate. Prizes: Great prizes including $50 restaurant giftcards. #CompaneroPerfecto RSVP
Monday, November 25
Give Extra Gum Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @dentistmel @formulamom @blm03 @blueviolet. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #GiveExtraGum RSVP
The Ultimate Thanksgiving Twitter Party at 6 pm ET with @GoodCookCom @TheFrugalMom. Prizes: FIVE HUNDRED (500) Turkey Lifters for the first to RSVP, plus THREE Thanksgiving gift baskets ARV $200 each will be given away at this party. #ThanksgivingTips RSVP
Talk Turkey Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SunstarGUM @TammyGoldCoach @TheShoppingMama. Prizes: FOUR (4) $50 American Express giftcards; ONE (1) Grand Prize $500 American Express GC #TalkTurkey Details
Black Friday Target Canada Twitter Party at 8:45 to 10 pm ET with @TargetCanada @ShesConnected. Prizes: Tons of prizes including TWO (2) KitchenAid Stand Mixers, TEN (10) Ugly Sweater Furbys, FIVE (5) Infinity Pro by Conair Curl Secret, TWO (2) Beats by Dr. Dre UR Earbuds, FIVE (5) Sonya Kashuk 10-piece makeup brush sets + more - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #MyKindofHoliday #BlackFriday RSVP
Winter Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @DebMomof3 @CindyRichards. Prizes: Hunter boots and Hunter umbrella. #TMOM RSVP
Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @DebMomof3 @CindyRichards. Prizes subject to availability. #TMOM RSVP
Family Mobile Cheer at 9 pm ET with @7onashoestring @Therebelchick @SavvyMomNYC @Ruralmoms. Prizes: THREE (3) Walmart Family Mobile Prize Packs that include a Concord phone, starter kit and $100 Walmart giftcard; THREE (3) $50 Walmart GCs. #FamilyMobileCheer RSVP
Aging in Place Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @safetymom. Prizes: THREE (3) $25 Amazon Giftcards. #AginginPlace Details
St. Jude ThanksandGiving Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Target @Bestbuy @LOFT @HSN @StJude @Momfluential and others. Prizes: Target Bullseye Plush, LOFT Giftcards (2 winners), BestBuy GC, HSN Ornament, HSN GC. #ThanksandGiving RSVP
Tuesday, November 26
Fragrance Net Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @fragrancenet. Prizes: Fragrance, beauty products and $100 Fragrance Net giftcard. #FragranceNet #FNetTip RSVP
eBay Follow It Find It Twitter Party with @SocialMoms @eBay at 7 pm ET. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 eBay giftcards. #FollowitFindit RSVP
Watts Up Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @LightkeeperPro. Prizes: FIVE (5) Ultra-Lit Lightkeeper Pro winners; ONE (1) Grand Prize Ultra-Lit Lightkeeper Pro + $100 giftcard. #WattsUp RSVP
MMB Stacks Black Friday Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @MomsMilkBtque. Prizes: Tons of prizes for new moms, babies and kids. #MMBStacks RSVP
Mom Travel Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FamiliesGo @CoolMomBuzz. $350 in Prizes: Maxi-Cosi Booster Seat ARV $250, B. Box Feeding on the Go Gear ARV $65, Free Like Birdie Weekender Tote ARV $45. #MOMtravelchat RSVP
Wednesday, November 27
Ore Ida Hash Brown Twitter Party 11 am ET. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart Giftcards. #OreIdaHashBrn More Deets Soon
Cascade Clean Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @chefmichaelsmith. Prizes: TBA. #CascadeClean RSVP
Brother P-Touch Labelling Matters Twitter Party at 8:30 to 9 pm ET with @ShesConnected @BrotherCanada @HellenButtigieg. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize Business Smart Printer; TWENTY FIVE (25) P-Touch Label Makers; TEN (10) $25 Staples Gift Cards Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #LabellingMatters RSVP
Thursday, November 28
Happy Thanksgiving
Airmiles Black Friday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Listen2Lena @Feistyfrugal @Childmode. Prizes: SIX (6) prizes from AirMiles - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #airmilesshops RSVP
Friday, November 29
Bark Friday Twitter Party at Noon-1:30 pm ET with @ZukesPets @AllThingsDog @DogTipper @EventBarkers @ToDogWithLove @5MinutesforFido. $1000+ in Prizes: TEN (10) doggie prize packages valued at approx $100 each. Participate in party w/ hashtag #FueltheLove #BarkFriday. RSVP
Weekly Verizon Insider Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @theonlinemom. Prizes: TBA. #VZWBuzz RSVP
So Fawned Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sofawned @childmode. Prizes: Gifts from the Holiday Gift Guide - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #SoFawnedGuide RSVP
Wednesday, December 3
Random House Children's Holiday Reading Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Socialmoms @RandomHouseKids. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 giftcards; ONE (1) Grand Prize Random House age-appropriate book set. #HolidayReading RSVP
Thursday, December 4
Huggies Mummy Mentors Twitter Party 9-9:30 pm ET with @YMCBuzz. Prizes: ONE (1) prize package that includes a diaper bag filled with Huggies products + $50 Walmart giftcard - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #MummyMentors Details
Friday, December 5
Pampers Swaddlers Firsts Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @SwaddlersFirsts. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packs each valued at $250 each including products, baby toys and other gifts, $50 Shutterfly giftcard and more. ONE (1) Grand Prize Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR, ARV $450. RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment associated with this post, except where it is noted that I am involved in a party as a host or panelist and am being compensated. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
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