Twitter Parties
Updated Continuosly - Sneak Peek at Coming Weeks Too!
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Twitter Party Master Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. Be sure to check back often every week as new events are added on an ongoing basis -- often with new prize-winning opportunities added several times per day. You'll also get a sneak peek at Twitter parties coming up next week and in the month ahead. Now listing Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ parties with prizes too.

Be the first to know when the latest Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party schedule goes live by following MBE on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and/or by subscribing to this blog right now.
Sunday, September 1
Udderly Smooth Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @udderlysmooth @mmc67. Prizes: NINE (9) Udderly Smooth gift basket; surprise Grand Prize. #UdderlySmooth RSVP
Monday, September 2
Preggonista Twitter Party at 6 pm ET with @PreggonistaLife @bloggymoms. Prizes: Giveaways include a Preggonista gift box valued at $125. #preggonista Details
Weekly Traveling Moms Twitter Party chatting about Dinnertime Survival at 9 pm ET with @travelingmoms @kimorlando @debmomof3 @cindyrichards. Prizes: FIVE (5) cookbooks signed by Debra Ponzek; ONE (1) Grand Prize Aux Delices Dinnertime Survival Basket. #TMom #Ponzek RSVP
Tuesday, September 3
Bloggy Moms Guide to a Better Blog Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @bloggymoms. Prizes: ONE (1) Bloggy Moms Guides eBook + $500 giftcard. #BloggyGuide RSVP
Monkey Movement Charity Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @monkeydoproject @writrams @mom4less @tawnireller. Prizes: ONE (1) LeapPad Ultra, TWO (2) $50 Visa giftcards + ONE (1) Monkey Project Do Travel Mug. #MonkeyDo RSVP
Milk Unleashed Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @mommymomentblog @momvstheboys @mommykatandkids @milkunleashed. Prizes: FIVE (5) prize packs valued at $50 each; ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes $150 gift card, backpack and Milk Unleashed products (ARV $225). #MilkUnleashed RSVP
Reasons to Save Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @groceryshopfree @Savings @SavingsClasses @valpakcoupons and more. $300 in Prizes. #ReasonstoSave RSVP
Macaroni Kid Disney Jr. Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @suppahmommy @DisneyJuniorUSA @macaronikidhq @macaronidad. Prizes: TBA. #mackidtips RSVP
Wednesday, September 4
Clean & Clear and Aveeno Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Eightymphmom. Prizes: $100 in products. Participate in party with hashtag #Backtoschoolskin Details
Dawn Save Wildlife Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @momcentral @dawndish. Prizes: SIX (6) $50 Amazon Giftcodes. #SaveWildlife Details
Back in Session Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @eatwholly. Prizes: TBA. Participate in party with hashtag #BackinSession
Back to School Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Shandon00 @ottawamommyclub @canbloghouse. Prizes: Lots of kid friendly prizes: Tram Kids' Park Boots (ARV $90), $50 Mastermind Toys giftcard, a pair of Chooze shoes, DK books + more - Canada Residents Only. #Back2School RSVP
Mamiverse Twitter Party to Fight Cancer at 8 pm ET with @Mamiverse @Lorrainecladish @Eileenccampos @Pantene. Prizes: TEN (10) sets of Pantene products #Beautifullengths #Ponyup RSVP
Fresh Stem Back to School Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @coryanneettiene. Prizes: TBA #FreshStem Details
Frito-Lay Get Fired Up Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FritoLay. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize winner gets Tostitos branded speaker chair, branded inflatable goal post, branded Weber grill, $50 NFL Shop gift card, 2 Liter Pepsi product and two bags of Frito-Lay chips (ARV $175). FOUR (4) winners each get a prize pack valued at $65 including Frito-Lay tote, branded inflatable goal post, $25 NFL Shop gift card, 2 Liter Pepsi product and two bags of Frito-Lay chips. Details
It's the weekly @theonlinemom Twitter Party at 9 pm ET - this week a special Verizon Latino Entrepreneur of the Year event with @Silviaonlinemom @carogonza and friends. Prize: A Droid RAZR smartphone. To be eligible to win a prize RSVP & participate in party with hashtag #VerizonNegocios.
Crafty Chat Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @CraftyChat. Prizes: TBA. #CraftyChat RSVP
Drive Safe Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @themommyfiles @lisasamples @musingsfromme @sprintM2M. Prizes: THREE (3) $25 Amazon giftcards. #DriveSafe RSVP
Thursday, September 5
Snack Pack Pudding Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @savinglifestyle @bargainbriana. Prizes: TWO (2) $200 Walmart giftcards. Participate in party with hashtag #snackpack Details
GUM Fresh Start Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SunstarGUM @SimplyBeingMom @surfnsunshine @7onashoestring @aboutamom. Prizes: FOUR (4) Sunstart GUM dental prize packages and ONE (1) $100 American Express Grand Prize. #GUMFreshStart RSVP
Cara B Naturally Twitter Party at 8:30 pm ET with @MommyTalkShow @CaraBNaturally. Prizes: $25 Walgreens giftcard and FOUR (4) winners get to pick their choice of Cara B product. Participate in party with hashtag #MyCaraB Details
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Droid RAZR M or a Droid RAZR HD smartphone. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Mom Inspirations Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Cafeyak. Prizes: TBA. #mominspirations RSVP
More Twitter Parties constantly to be added for This Week to this list as soon as they're scheduled. So stay tuned for updates as they happen by following this blog.
Monday, September 9
Capri Sun Pickers Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @formulamom @therebelchick @terracycle. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #CapriSunPickers
The Curious Cat Chat at 2 pm ET with @Clever_Network @RoyalCanin. Prizes: Grand Prize $100 gift card to PetSmart or PetCo + cat toys; Addtl prize packs include $50 GC + cat toys. #curiouscatchat RSVP
Earth's Best Back to School Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @EarthsBest @_WatchMeGrow_. Prizes every 5 minutes! Each of TWELVE (12) winners will receive a prize package that includes a case of Earth's Best toddler snacks and a back to school outfit from the Sesame Street Watch Me Grow Collection #EBSchool RSVP
Eat Honestly Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @cleverhousewife @turningclockbac. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #EatHonestly RSVP
Weekly Traveling Moms Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @travelingmoms @kimorlando @debmomof3 @cindyrichards. Prize: TBA. #TMom More info soon
Tuesday, September 10
NetGear Life Connected Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Shespeaksup @WifiFamily. Prizes: Kindle Fire, AT&T Unite, $100 AT&T GiftCard, Samsung WiFi Camera, Jabra Soulmate WiFi speakers, $50 Amazon giftcards and Sherpani App Bags. #LifeConnected RSVP
Disney World of Cars Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @7onashoestring @crazyadventures. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #WorldofCars RSVP
Weekly Tech Tuesday Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @KristinaLibby of Microsoft. Participate with hashtags #Windows #WinChat Details Soon
Boar's Head Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @Boars_Head. Prizes: FIFTEEN (15) $25 giftcards and ONE (1) $100 GC. #BoarsHeadBTS RSVP
First Aid for Pets Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @EventBarkers @ArdenKnowsPets. Prizes: Pet first aid products and $100 giftcard. #Pet1stAid RSVP
Back to School Label Lessons Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @AndreaDonsky @NaturallySavvy @NuVitalityHW. Prizes: Three (3) Label Lessons gift bags valued at $50 each. #LabelLessons Details
Wednesday, September 11
It's the weekly @theonlinemom Twitter Party at 9 pm ET. Prize: TBA. To be eligible to win a prize RSVP & participate in party with hashtag #TheOnlineMoms.
Thursday, September 12
Harvest Fun Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @brettbmartin @laughwithusblog. Prizes: FIVE (5) $1oo Walmart giftcards. #HarvestFun RSVP
Walmart Happy Pets Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Busymommymedia @Petarmor. Prizes: PetArmor for Dogs or Cats, other pet products, a Year Supply of PetArmor for Cats or Dogs, and a $100 American Express giftcard. #WalmartHappyPets RSVP
SparkleBee Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @sparklebee @barefootmama. Prizes: Great Paul Frank, Hello Kitty prizes; Grand Prize 19" LCD Television/PC Monitor ARV $299.99. #SparkleBee RSVP
Friday, September 13
Disney Princess Play Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @jmanmillerbug @momwithadotcom. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #Disneyprincessplay RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom at 3 pm ET. Prizes: TBA. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Tuesday, September 17
Mills Truck Country Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @CanadianDadBlog @Mommygearest @Christellasays @findingmomtopia @papayajambalaya. Prizes: ONE (1) Weekend getaway in a 2014 GMC Sierra from Mills Motors; ONE (1) 32 GB iPad Mini; Plus GMC prize packs and $50 gas card - Canada residents only. #TruckCountry RSVP
Thursday, September 25
Moms and Brands Expo East Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @MomsandBrands. Prizes: TBA. #ExpoEast RSVP
Friday, September 26
Moms and Brands Expo East Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @MomsandBrands. Prizes: TBA. #ExpoEast RSVP
Saturday, September 28
Picture It Creations Birthday Bash at 9 pm ET with @justpictureit @TTCgiftblog. Prizes: TBA. #PictureitBday RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
Tuesday, September 17
Mills Truck Country Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @CanadianDadBlog @Mommygearest @Christellasays @findingmomtopia @papayajambalaya. Prizes: ONE (1) Weekend getaway in a 2014 GMC Sierra from Mills Motors; ONE (1) 32 GB iPad Mini; Plus GMC prize packs and $50 gas card - Canada residents only. #TruckCountry RSVP
Thursday, September 25
Moms and Brands Expo East Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @MomsandBrands. Prizes: TBA. #ExpoEast RSVP
Friday, September 26
Moms and Brands Expo East Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @MomsandBrands. Prizes: TBA. #ExpoEast RSVP
Saturday, September 28
Picture It Creations Birthday Bash at 9 pm ET with @justpictureit @TTCgiftblog. Prizes: TBA. #PictureitBday RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
Thanks so much for sharing our twitter party :)