Twitter Parties
Updated 4/19/13 - Sneak Peek at Coming Weeks Too!
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Twitter Party Master Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. Be sure to check back often every week as new events are added on an ongoing basis -- often with new prize-winning opportunities added several times per day. You'll also get a sneak peek at Twitter parties coming up next week and in the month ahead. Now listing Facebook and Google+ parties with prizes too.

Be the first to know when the latest Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party schedule goes live by following MBE on
Monday, April 15
Tiny Prints Photo Gifts Pinning Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with at @Tinyprints and on Pinterest. Many prizes plus Grand Prize which is a $150 Tiny Prints gift certificate #Tinyprintsgifts RSVP
Affordable Family Travel at 9 pm ET with @MyChaos @Listen2Lena @Sassymodernmom. Prizes: FIVE (5) Black's Photography $50 gift cards and ONE (1) Olympus Tough TG-820 iHS 12 MP Digital Camera Silver - Canadian Residents Only. #TDFamilyTravel RSVP Note: Postponed due to Boston tragedy, new date soon
Mamavation Twitter Party 8-9:30 pm ET with @Mamavation @Nutiva @Newbalance. Prizes: THREE (3) Nutiva gift boxes, TWO (2) pairs of New Balance Shoes and FOUR (4) Color Garden Natural Dyes. #Mamavation RSVP Note: Canceled due to Boston tragedy
Baseball Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando and others. Prize: TBA #TMom RSVP
Kiss Nails Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Kissproducts. Prizes: Everlasting gel starter sets & LED lamps given away every 5 minutes. Details
Natural Parents Network Twitter party at 10 pm ET with @NatParNet. Prizes: TBA. Participate with hashtag #NatParNet Details
Tuesday, April 16
Walgreens Balance Rewards Twitter Party at 11 am ET with @jmanmillerbug @CinnyBBS @Cbtweetchat @Walgreens. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #BalanceRewards RSVP
Weekly Tech Tuesday Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @KristinaLibby of Microsoft. Prize: A different major prize to win each week. #Windows #WinChat Details
Hoya Lenses Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @lomargie @suburbanmomclub @ProfMurrayHoya. Prizes: TWO (2) $25 American Express giftcards and TWO (2) Hoya Lenses certificates valued at more than $200. #HoyaLenses RSVP
Kids Live Well Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @momcentral @momcentralchat @kidslivewell. Prizes: SIX (6) $50 gift cards to a choice of Kids Live Well restaurants #KidsLiveWell RSVP
Ask Patty Twitter Party at 8 pm ET. Prizes: Picnic Basket, Blanket, air filter and more. #FRAMFreshFreeze RSVP
Getting Gorgeous Twitter Party 8 to 10 pm ET with @audreymcclellan @verasweeney. Prizes: FIFTEEN (15) giveaway prizes from 15 different brands that are all about getting gorgeous. To participate follow hashtag #GettingGorgeous Details
Sobey's West Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @MommyKatandKids @MommyMomentBlog @MyChaos @FoodMuser. $1000 in Sobeys giftcards just for Western Canada residents. #SobeysWest RSVP
Curious George PBS Kids Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @PBSKids @Momitforward. Win a Curious George prize pack. #gno RSVP
Be Green Stonyfield Twitter Party with @Stonyfield @Happysuperfoods @Applegate @HonestTea @Earthboundfarm and others at 9 pm ET. Giveaway Prizes & Coupons TBA. #BeGreen Details
Preparing Your Blog for Bloggy Con Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @BloggyMoms. Prize: ONE (1) winner will receive 12 months ad placement on #BloggyCon13 RSVP
Wednesday, April 17
White Cloud Diapers Twitter Party at Noon ET with @SITSGirls. Prize: ONE (1) winner gets FREE airfare, hotel accommodations, and ticket to the Dallas Bloggy Boot Camp November 8-9, 2013. #WhiteCloudDiapers Details
Do It All Mom Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Msmissy62 @DentistMel @ClubTysonLive. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Sam's Club Giftcards. #DoItAllMom RSVP
Totsy Curious George Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Totsy @rockinmama @WGBH_Kids. Prizes: TBA. #totsyparty Details
Fleishmanns Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Momcentral @Momcentralchat @Bakesale4NKH. Prizes: SIX (6) $50 Amazon gift codes. Participate with hashtag #Fleischmanns Details
Team Sparkle Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @runteamsparkle and others. Lots of Prizes. #TeamSparkle Details
Home Depot Futbol Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Beinglatino @latinomarketing @urbanjibaro and @homedepotfutbol and others. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Home Depot giftcard, TWO (2) $250 Home Depot giftcard and Luis Hernandez signed Adidas soccer ball prize packages and ONE (1) Weber Genesis E-310 Propane Gas Grill $699 ARV + Luis Hernandez signed Adidas soccer ball prize package. #HomeDepotFutbol RSVP
Macaroni Kid Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @supahmommy @zoneperfect @macaronikidHQ @macaronidad @macaronimama. Prizes: TBA. #MacKidTips #KidzZone RSVP
It's the weekly @theonlinemom Twitter Party at 9 pm ET. Prize: TBA. To be eligible to win a prize RSVP & participate in party with hashtag #TheOnlineMoms.
L'Oreal Paris Ask Hair Genius Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LOrealParisUSA @lisasamples @zipporahs @stacieinatlanta @suuperg @rachelferrucci @_penelopeNYC @romyraves. Prizes: $750 in L'Oreal beauty gift baskets. #AskHairGenius RSVP
Out Number Hunger Bilingual Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @denisselcaza @jeanettekaplun @presleyspantry @sassymamainla @webcitygirls @FeedingAmerica @OutnumberHunger and others. Prizes: THREE (3) General Mills gift baskets. #OutnumberHunger RSVP
Thursday, April 18
I Heart My Nail Art Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @sallyhansen @amomsimpression @somedayilllearn. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreen's gift cards. #IHeartMyNailArt RSVP
Suave Naturals Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Glambr. Prize: ONE (1) winner will receive Suave products + $50 Walgreens giftcard. #SuaveScents Details
Royal Canin Best in Breed Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Clever_Network @RoyalCanin. Prizes: Pet encylopedias, Royal Canin pet food and Petco and Petsmart giftcards. #RoyalCaninPets RSVP
WWE Moms & Make a Wish Foundation Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @WWEMoms @Makeawish @JanetGoingCrazy @RachelFerrucci and others. Prizes: a BOSE Bluetooth Speaker, a Michael Kors Wallet, or a Toy Watch #WWEMoms RSVP
Fit Feet Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Fitbottomedgirl @ZocDoc. Prizes: TEN (10) $10 iTunes Giftcards. #FitFeet RSVP
Walgreens Latino Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @therebelchick @PaulaBendfeldt. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #WalgreensLatino RSVP
PG Most Loved Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @PGEveryday @lisasamples @stacieinatlanta @zipporahs @alywalansky @mommadjane @savvymommy. $1000 in branded products will be given away ~ Grand Prize is a $300 VISA giftcard and gift basket of PG most loved products. #PGMostLoved RSVP
Allergy Face Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Bechicmag @diariodelamoda @nanysklozet @socialrosy @lbconnect @lbflowers. Prizes: THREE (3) prize packages that include $100 Target giftcard and Neutrogena cosmetics & Aveeno product. #AllergyFace RSVP
Happy Family Earth Day Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Happysuperfoods @Tweetparties. Prizes from HonestTea, Citrus Lane and others plus $100 worth of Happy Family products. #HFEarthDay RSVP
The Great Cloth Diaper Change GCDC Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TheEcoChic @EFFBlog @ClothRecord and others. Prizes: TBA. #GCDC2013 RSVP
Girls Night Out Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Momitforward @Frigidaire @MommyBlogExpert and others. Prize: Frigidaire Professional Thermal Carafe Coffee Maker ARV $99.99. Participate with hashtags #gno #frigidaire. Details
Pull-Ups Cada Intento Es Una Victoria Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @PullupsBigKid @smashbravoteam @spoiledlatina @Jeanettekaplun @LatinaMomBlogs and others. Prizes: TWO (2) prize packages with products and $50 VISA giftcard, TWO (2) prize packs with products + $100 VISA GC and ONE (1) $300 VISA GC + products. #CadaIntento RSVP
Friday, April 19
License to Spill Twitter Party at Noon ET with @Outnumberedmama @Turningclockbac @Mohawkflooring. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 VISA giftcards and ONE (1) $100 VISA GC. #Licensetospill RSVP
Note: FAGE Total Fridge Twitter Party today with @MomCentral and @fageusa has been postponed. Watch hashtag #FAGETotalFridge for more info
Note: The MADD Online Twitter Party scheduled for today to talk about underage drinking with
Note: This week's Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom has been rescheduled to Monday, April 22 at 3 pm ET. #VZWBuzz
More Twitter Parties constantly to be added for This Week to this list as soon as they're scheduled. So stay tuned for updates as they happen by following this blog.
Sunday, April 21
The Client List Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @lifetimetvca. Prizes: THREE (3) $25 Amazon giftcards, TWO (2) $50 Amazon GCs and ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC - Canada only. #TheClientList Details
Monday, April 22
GE Lighting Earth Day Twitter Party at 11 am ET with @GELighting @DentistMel @TurningClockbac. Prizes: FIVE (5) $50 Walmart gift cards. #GELighting RSVP
Chicken Fry Time Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @miscfinds4u @janetgoingcrazy. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Sam's Club giftcards. #ChickenFryTime RSVP
Earth Day Smiles Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: EIGHT (8) prize packs that include a reusable tote bag filled with organic foods, reusable water bottle and a $10 Amazon gift card. #EarthDaySmiles Details
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom at 3 pm ET talking about sustainability and going green. Prizes: Tagg Pet Tracker or Nokia Lumia 822 smartphone + $125 Verizon Gift Card. To be eligible to win, participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Moms and Brands Earth Day Twitter Party with @BioKleenInc @Alaffiaskincare @tradeasone @manitobaharvest @MomsandBrands at 7 pm ET. Lots of family eco-friendly and green focused prizes. #MomsandBrands RSVP
Shutterfly Best Gift Ever Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Shutterfly @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: TWENTY ONE (21) assorted branded prizes; ONE (1) Grand Prize $150 Shutterfly gift certificate #Shutterflygifts RSVP
Coleman Lemieux Compagnie Earth Day Twitter Party w/ @coryjstewart at 8 pm ET. Prizes: $100s of dollars in gift cards including FOUR (4) $25 VISA gift cards, TWO (2) $50 VISA GCs and TWO (2) $100 VISA GCs. #CLCRainCoast RSVP
Childhood Obesity Twitter Chat with @cltalbert @activeASAP at 9 pm ET. Prizes: THREE (3) $50 American Express giftcards, assorted other prizes & an $80 gift basket. #ChildhoodObesity RSVP
Tuesday, April 23
Give Me Wyngz Twitter Party at Noon ET with @cleverhousewife @MSrheinlander. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Walmart gift cards. #GiveMeWyngz RSVP
Weekly Tech Tuesday Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @KristinaLibby of Microsoft. Prize: A different major prize to win each week. #Windows #WinChat Details
Never Waste Bacon Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @mapleleaffoods @mychaos @teachermomof2 @momvstheboys. Prizes: EIGHT (8) prize packs that include coupons 6 months of Maple Leaf Bacon; TWO (2) prize packs include coupons for one year's worth of Maple Leaf Bacon - Canada only. #NeverWasteBacon RSVP
Latin Moves Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Net10Latino @MamaXXI @ThriftyNinja @couponmamacita. Prizes: FOUR (4) prize packages that include $10 iTunes giftcards + prizes like an autographed guitar from 3 Ball MTY, an Autographed microphone from Tito El Bambino or an autographed canvas from Tito El Bambino. ONE (1) Grand Prize includes all of those prizes + a $50 iTunes GC. #Net10Latino RSVP
Wednesday, April 24
Grilling is Happiness Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @grillhappiness @sears @theblogfrog @shibleysmiles and others. Prizes: Sears giftcards. Participate with hashtag #grillingishappiness Details
It's the weekly @theonlinemom Twitter Party at 9 pm ET this week w/ special guest Amy Lupold Bair AKA @resourcefulmom talking about Raising Digital Families with Dummies. Prizes: THREE (3) copies of Amy's new book. To be eligible to win a prize RSVP & participate in party with hashtag #TheOnlineMoms.
Know Your Money Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @girlslunchout @NFCCDebtAdvice. Prizes: TWO (2) $25 American Express gift cards, TWO (2) $50 AmEx GCs and ONE (1) $100 AmEx GC. #KnowYourMoney RSVP
Thursday, April 25
Fresher Car Twitter Party at Noon ET with @jmanmillerbug @proverbswife @cbtweetchat. Prizes: FIVE (5) $50 Walmart giftcards. #FresherCar RSVP
Take Back Your Morning @SeattlesBest Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @somedayilllearn @paulabendfeldt. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Walmart giftcards. #TakeBackYourMorning RSVP
Lundberg Family Farms Facebook Party at 3 pm ET with @MomsMeet. TEN (10) winners will receive Lundberg products. RSVP
AMDRO and Pennington Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @AMDROAssistance @StacieinAtlanta @Jollymom @7onashoestring @kimberlylacy and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 American Express giftcards and ONE (1) $100 AmEx GC. #AMDRO #Pennington RSVP
Remember Mom Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @themommyfiles @80mphmom @redlobster @hallmarkPR @vtechphones and others. Prizes: $500 in giftcards and prizes to be given away by the brands involved. #RememberMom2013 RSVP
Little Me Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @mompoweredmedia @powerbymomblog @momtobedby8 @babycostcutters @Littleme_baby. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Little Me giftcard, TWO (2) $50 Little Me GCs and FIVE (5) Little Me 7" plush bears #LittleMe RSVP
Friday, April 26
Inspire My Dinner Twitter Party at Noon ET with @Msmissy62 @themommyfiles @cbtweetchat. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Walmart giftcards. #Inspiremydinner RSVP
Urgent RX Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Kellysluckyyou. Prizes: TBA More details soon
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom at 3 pm ET. Prizes: TBA. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Tuesday, April 30
Weekly Tech Tuesday Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @KristinaLibby of Microsoft. Prize: A different major prize to win each week. #Windows #WinChat Details
Wednesday, May 1
It's the weekly @theonlinemom Twitter Party at 9 pm ET. Prize: TBA. To be eligible to win a prize RSVP & participate in party with hashtag #TheOnlineMoms.
Thursday, May 2
Twitter Party Momma Style at 4 pm ET with @mailpix @MommaYoung @Krissy_r. Prizes provided by Mailpix #Mailpixmoms RSVP
Friday, May 3
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party hosted by @theonlinemom at 3 pm ET. Prizes: TBA. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Tuesday, May 7
Get Pet Ready Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @charlottereed. Prizes: TBA. #GetPetReady RSVP
Wednesday, May 15
Dippin Dots Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Dippindots @Magicmilkstraws. Prizes: Up to TWENTY FIVE (25) winners will receive Dippin Dots 25th anniversary Tshirts and Magic Straws and ONE (1) winner will win a year's supply of Dippin Dots Ice Cream, a Tshirt and Magic Straws. #BestBirthdayMemories RSVP
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. If you'd like to add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar email janis at janiselspas dot com with Twitter Party in the subject line including all the details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
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