Sweepstakes details below
Having four in diapers at once presents some unique challenges as my hubbie and I found out when we had a son followed by a set of triplets all within a year. How did we survive those years of what seemed like non-stop diaper changing? I think the best way to answer that is to share with you some tips of what worked for us that you can apply to your own parenting experience even a single baby.
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Me, Hubbie and our four kids all in diapers |
You know you're going to need and use mountains of them. So you may as well buy them in bulk in advance. All you have to do is calculate how many diapers you need for a year and then buy them by the case from a place like Toys r Us like we did. Sure your garage will look like a diaper warehouse. But just think: you'll have the peace of mind of knowing that you never will have to run out past midnight looking for a grocery store that's open all night to get a pack of diapers to tide you over till morning.
Wear Headphones
If you have a screamer of a baby then these are essential to your diaper changing ritual. We had to do this with one of our darling children who shall remain unnamed in this post since this kid is a teenager now. Make sure you wear the super dooper headphones they use at the shooting range for maximum protection from that kid that yells at the top of their lungs every time you try and put a fresh diaper on them.
Get Your Preschool to do the Bulk of Your Diaper Training
Hey, I know this is the easy way out. But with four kids in diapers at the same time I was pretty tired to have to start doing all the potty training by myself. So we outsourced diaper training and put all four kids in a daycare center that was open from 6 am to 6 pm. You still might need to deal with some accidents and tantrums at home in the off hours but farming out this duty (pun intended) will make potty training a lot less stressful for the parents, for sure.
How to Enter the Sweepstakes
With all this potty talk it's a good time to bring up something else up with moms and dads who want to get on the inside track. To celebrate the bathroom, the most private room in anyone's house that is also the butt of the most publicly-made jokes, one of the biggest manufacturers of toilet products is launching an entertaining new site called The Clorox Lounge.
This new community transforms that oft slandered room into an online comedy club where moms can to go for some comedy relief. And what mom doesn't need some fun after having to once again do the all-important job of cleaning the family toilets? Emceed by comediene, actress and mom Sherri Shepherd, who is also a co-host of The View TV morning talk show, moms are in for non-stop fun that includes hilarious anecdotes, entertaining games and contests, and of course giveaways and coupons.
From potty training to teens who monopolize the bathroom for hours and astronomical water bills those darling kids run up. The fact that all children are born with bathroom radar and always seem to need you most when you're in the privacy of your bathroom -- there's no shortage of humorous material.
The best part is that simply by signing up for The Clorox Lounge starting February 27 through April 22,2012 you'll be automatically entered in their Last Comic Sitting Competition and Sweepstakes for a chance to win $10,000. You can also get extra entries daily for logging in to their site and commenting until April 22, 2012. Fans can also enter for a chance to win cool prize packs. Ten prizes will be given each week, for the next twelve weeks.
Follow @Clorox on Twitter
FTC Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
FTC Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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