
iPhone Photo by Janis Brett Elspas, MommyBlogExpert.com
The big fat jolly guy in the red and white flocked suit, it turns out, didn't start out looking the way he does today in the eyes of children who sit on his lap to tell him what they want for Christmas. As a matter of fact this holiday symbol wasn't even known as Santa originally.
The person that historians regard as the original source of this tradition is St. Nicholas who was born in the 3rd century in a town on the southern coast of Turkey and was known throughout his life for giving gifts to the poor, children, and mariners. He even was persecuted by the Roman Empire for his religious beliefs and did time in prison during his life.
Then in 1822, many centuries after the original St. Nick had died on the other half of the globe, Clement Clarke Moore, a New York native, wrote the poem An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas for his three daughters. This came to be known as the popular classic story 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. With the continued rise of commercialism and advertising of the holiday in the mid 1800s, especially in the U.S., the popular image of Santa Claus as he is portrayed in modern times emerged. Today that old-fashioned depictions seems to have changed little over the past 75 years.

At the busiest intersection in Beverly Hills
iPhone Photo by Janis Brett Elspas, MommyBlogExpert.com
If you celebrate Christmas what are some of the traditions you have that are rooted in your own childhood? What new customs have you created for your own children to enjoy?
Merry Christmas to those celebrating today
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