Thursday, December 1, 2011

High Gusts of Santa Ana Winds Blow Damage Across Los Angeles Area Including My Neighborhood


Thanks to some unusually blustery conditions brought to Southern California last night by a regional weather phenomena known as the Santa Ana Winds, parts of the L.A. metro area sustained both commercial and residential damage. Just in my immediate neighborhood alone we lost a medium sized tree on our own property, a neighbor's construction site was ravaged and a good friend's rooftop antenna toppled. Elsewhere in the surrounding streets where I live there were more downed trees -- including one that fell on a Beverly Drive house -- plus mangled power lines and even a newspaper vending stand ripped out of concrete.

Winds last night downed this tree formerly towering over our house
iPhone Photo by Janis Brett Elspas,

Other sections of the city impacted by Wednesday's storm, as reported in today's L.A. Times, include Los Angeles International Airport LAX where no less than 20 flights were diverted elsewhere as winds were dangerously high at over 40 knots. Also, an entire freeway was temporarily shut down in one direction when a tree collapsed on the road. 

High winds are projected to persist through Friday with the National Weather Service NWS -- which says winds have reached 80 mph in Southland mountains and have been recorded as high as 140 mph at the Sierra Crest near Lake Tahoe  -- issuing red flag warnings in California. All residents and visitors affected can stay apprised of weather conditions via the NWS site as well as many L.A. TV station, newspaper, and online media sources as the events have been widely reported.

 Damaged rooftop antenna at a friend's home
iPhone Photo by Janis Brett Elspas,

For those of you here in the L.A. metro area, were you affected by the storm? Did you have any damage to your home or business last night? Feel free to share your stories to lessen the pain for us all. Also if you have photos of this storm's after effects, feel free to leave a link to them in your comments.
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