Entry details below
Just one of many bags of swag from BlogHer 11
This giveaway is my way of paying it forward to other women who blog. I was lucky enough to attend my first BlogHer ever last weekend in San Diego.
MojoMama (Kids Gift Bag)
Tubby Telly (Woman's Gift Bag)
Each of the two different prize packages to win has an approximate value of $150 or more. One gift bag is perfect for a mom with one or more children young children. The other gift bag is loaded with all kinds of goodies that any woman -- with or without children -- will likely appreciate.
More BlogHer Swag Bags in my Room
Leave one or more comments below this post saying which prize you'd like to win: the kiddie swag bag or the woman's one. Contest ends August 25, 2011 at 12 midnite PST and is open to legal residents of the U.S. only. Winners will be selected at random from all entries and notified of winnings via email.
Required (Mandatory) Entry
Simply leave a comment below this blogpost saying why you wanted to be at BlogHer 11. Don't forget to include your email address, Facebook or Twitter contact info in the comment section so the winner can be contacted.
Additional Extra Entries
Get extra entries to win for doing any combination of the 3 easy options listed below. Just be sure to return to MommyBlogExpert to leave an additional comment after each individual extra action you do to confirm so we can record all your extra chances to win.
1. Follow on Twitter
2. Follow on Facebook
Super ***Bonus Entries***
You can earn even more chances to win each time you Tweet this message up to 3 times/day
You can earn even more chances to win each time you Tweet this message up to 3 times/day
JUST for all gals who DID NOT go to #BlogHer11 $150+ Gift Bag GIVEAWAY #giveaway #payitforward RT 2 #WIN
Swag Suite at the Marina Marriott, San Diego
Great Family-Friendly Giveaways!
ENTER Them All on
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert is giving away 2 gift bags overflowing with an assortment of toys, cosmetics, product samples, full-size products, coupons and more received at BlogHer11 and it's many sold-out parties. I'm also throwing in great stuff from other recent events I've been invited to. I See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.