Family Entertainment
The Jimmies
How to Find It and Spend Little or No Money
Despite cutbacks in the arts in general -- and music education in particular -- in the schools, wholesome musical entertainment for children continues to be alive and thriving, especially for the preschool set.
In this day and age of more frugal living, parents will find solace in knowing that they don't have to scrimp on their kids' joy of listening to wholesome music, because it is often available for free (or, in some cases, almost free) as long as they know where to find it.
Richard Perlmutter, Beethoven's Wig
The Fresh Beat Band -- which has been covered by MommyBlogExpert multiple times -- is among the newest kids on the block. This perky 20-something group of kids that airs their own show on Nickelodeon joins solo artists zeroing in on kids like Richard "Ricky" Perlmutter of Beethoven's Wig fame and Hap Palmer. I'd be remiss not to mention the beloved Raffi as well as popular singing groups for the very young such as The Jimmies and The Wiggles of Australia. Indeed, families today are very fortunate to have access to a wide variety of talents that not only are positive role models, but that also get children excited about music early in life.
Hap Palmer
Where to Find FREE Music for Kids
Probably the best known source of free access to kid-friendly music is still PBS Kids Public Television; if you are paying for cable you probably have access to other kid-centric programming from channels like Nickelodeon and Disney, to name but a few.
Parents don't forget to choose wisely among cable shows, satellite radio channels, and Internet activities such as games, videos, and craft projects associated with a wide range of kid programming, too. All of these also deliver music and musical appreciation fun that's suitable for children.
The Fresh Beat Band
But moms and dads: you don't have to stop there. You should also take advantage of what many local libraries now offer. Thanks to well-stocked music collections: kid music CDs that can be checked out with a library card at many public and school libraries. Not only that, but many libraries, such as the Beverly Hills Library in California, offer a variety of child and family-friendly musical performances throughout the year that are free not only for Beverly Hills residents but to the public at large. So, check with your local library and other arts organizations to see what no-cost events they are offering for children.
Keep in mind, too, that libraries are only the tip of the iceberg where families might find free and low cost music for children. Other great ways to expose kids to free music include hanging out in children's specialty book stores as well as at the big book chains that have large kid sections such as Barnes & Noble which often hosts a variety of free entertainment performances for little ones.
Likewise, shopping centers and malls are also a great place to look for kid-friendly free music programs. Another idea for those living in or near cities and metro areas that are fortunate enough to have their own professional symphonies is to find out if any free concerts for kids and/or families are available and/or if these organizations allow access to rehearsals free-of-charge as a way to reach out to the community in the name of music education.
The Wiggles
There are so many other places to find accessible music for kids that don't have to cost a bundle. Moms and dads should check the Internet, television/radio, and the local newspaper(s) regularly for upcoming music events of interest. Also, families shouldn't overlook the many free regional and local parenting publications they have at their disposal to check calendars of events monthly to find out when music programs appropriate for kids will be held. Here in Los Angeles we have LA Parent which lists hundreds of fun and educational activities each month.
All photos in this post are from the various singer, group, and TV channel websites shown.
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FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert did not receive any payment or other compensation related to this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.