Friday, January 22, 2010


Social Media

by Janis Brett Elspas

Who Are They & What They Can Teach The Rest of Us Ladies

Responding to a list of the best in social media that was dominated by men, TopRankBlog has just released a list called the Top 25 Women to Rock Social Media

Like most of the women bloggers out there, both with and without children, I'm not one of these top 25 lady social media queens, not yet anyway.  But, like many of my blogging female peers, I do aspire to emulate them and perhaps one day to be even considered among them as one of their respected colleagues.  But for now, as a rookie mommy blogger for just under a year, preceded by several decades in media relations and as a journalist, I'm more than willing to be one of their most eager proteges.

Who are these cream of the crop ladies, anyway?  What makes them tick and what exactly are they doing that sets them apart and is shaking up Twitter, Facebook and other online networks?  My assumption is that it would be an gross understatement just to say that these top social media strategists are breaking new ground on the frontiers in cyberspace.  They are doing so much more -- they are finally breaking the glass ceilings women in business have been trying to crash through for the last half-century. 

When I first took a look at the names of those who made the cut I was surprised about how many of these ladies (both those much younger than I am, as well as closer to my age of 50+ or older) that I had never even heard of.  Luckily, I didn't miss the mark altogether and did recognize a handful of the women on the TopRankBlog list that I have been following on Twitter for some time and whom I greatly admire: Sarah Evans, Jessica Smith, Jennifer Cisney, Deirdre Breakenridge, and Sally Falkow, the latter who I have learned a great deal from in just the last six months.  I was also reassured to see someone else in the rankings that I have worked with before, Charlene Li, a Forrester market analyst, as I represented various tech clients during my past life in media and market analyst relations prior to becoming a serious mommy blogger.

Motivated scholar that I am, of course I'll be following the posts and tweets more closely now of the top-tier ladies mentioned above that I already know, so I can broaden my knowledge base of social media strategy theory, planning, and execution.  I'm also now following the other TopRankBlog listers on Twitter and have my homework cut out for me as I read over the many blog posts of theirs that I must catch up on.  Learning all this social media stuff really is a full time job, isn't it?  Just keeping up on the trends and movers and shakers makes me all the more in awe about the Top 25 ladies -- they really make it look easy to the rest of us.  I may be a newer blogger, but one thing I do know is that I'm certain they invested a lot of work and effort to be where there are now and we all have a lot to learn from everything they're doing.

Read the full story at

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  1. Janis,

    I too, was very excited to see such a list. I am just starting out in social media and found what early information I have gleaned from the sites and blogs of these women very inspiring.


  2. Lindi,
    Totally agree. Anyone in the learning phase of blogging who is serious about blogging professionally has so much to learn from these (and other) trailblazing female blogging pioneers. As I develop this blog I intend to have regular content specifically for women who blog, in addition to the family audience I already serve. Let me know if you have any questions about anything specific and I'll try and refer you to some good resources that might be able to help.
